Hello, I have recently installed Linux (Fedora 36) on my Surface Pro 7 (model 1866) but unfortunately I can't get multitouch and pen working. I already opened an issue on the linux-surface/linux-surface repo but I was advised to also ope...
surface pen not working in canvas area of photoshop Mer Mer New Here , Jul 25, 2021 Copy link to clipboard my pen works everywhere less except in the canvas area, this is NOT the panning problem other people reported as that is all I've seen online.whenever I put m...
If the Surface Pen tip is not working, the problem might be a temporary glitch with your system. This usually isn’t an issue, and in most cases, you can fix the problem simply by disabling the pen from Device Manager. Once you enable your pen, check if it works with your Surface de...
3DPEN ce 5 1: qq截图整个屏幕会放大!比较头疼,不知道可以改吗?暂时只能用系统自带截图软件。2: WIN键给移到右边,对于用笔来绘图的右撇子来说简直是灾难...不知道可以屏蔽WIN键吗?3:笔头没有多配套几个,磨损了怎么办?4:开始菜单栏如果设置隐藏的话,用手指显现有点困难!5:PS中套索选择工具那笔没法用(自...
老哥们,怎么解决啊,..会不会是静电影响的,我的surface卖掉了,我已经不记得静电是什么影响了。你可以试试插一根充电线,然后手握住充电线另一头的金属位置。如果这时候 没有抖动了,那就是经典原因。如果确实如此,非常尴尬,无
打开到这种角度之后,可以拆下键盘,配合Surface Pen触控笔进行绘画和电子笔记。 同时,这块屏幕也支持Surface Duo小圆盘。 键盘的手感正常,键程不短,按压的反馈清晰,但如果是倾斜上吸的角度,由于键盘本身太过于轻薄,力度过大会导致键盘本体抖动,不适合特别大力的按压。
Surface pro7,说实话,对于一个生产用户来说,优点少,槽点多:懂苏菲,所以才会选择她;i5系列没有...
Surface Pro 7 is more powerful than ever and adapts to the way you work. Not sure where to plug something in or how to turn up the volume? We've got you covered. Here are a few diagrams to help you. Volume Power button Headset and microphone jack ...
(Surface Pen-Pen Issue)Surface触笔问题汇总及排查步骤Surface触笔问题汇总及排查步骤1. 书写问题(无墨水)可能原因:无墨水问题可能和surface表面触控问题相关,或者和触笔本身的电量问题相关,触笔无需配对即可书写。排查步骤:1). 首先按住笔帽3~7秒确认触笔灯是否亮。如果笔灯不亮,即为其他问题。2). 在OneNote中...
I've followed the installation guide and I've also installed https://github.com/quo/ithc-linux with DKMS on a SP7+. Single touch is working fine but multitouch does not work at all. The pen also doesn't work but I'm not so worried about that issue. When I run sudo systemctl ...