如果是i7 版有风扇,整体性能会更好,但也会有风扇噪音,而i5是fanless没有任何噪音。3. 内存办公8g,...
结论:预算够的话当然是选 pro 7,另外不建议买二手,多半是有问题还过保了的,建议直接去微软商城找...
contrib/thermald: add surface pro 7 thermald configuration #1213 Merged attiladonath commented Sep 24, 2023 Hi, I recently bought an SP7 with i5 CPU (fanless). First of all: Thank you for the great work for all the Linux Surface devs! :-) My initial setup as per the docs here -...
89.7% 微软Surface Pro 2017 (i5-7300U, 256 GB) 变形本简短评测 | Notebookcheck老而弥坚。 没有USB Type-C 也没有 Thunderbolt 3,2017款的微软 Surface Pro看上去有点落伍。无风扇的设计我们已经在宏碁的Alpha 12上看到过了,但不幸的是它遭遇了很明显的降频问题。那么Surface Pro 唯一留下的有点就是它...
你一定要谈Surface Pro7+能不能过英特尔的EVO认证标准,我觉得是能过得。因为EVO的几个要求,例如FHD...
先解决一个大家的疑问:Surface Book 3的i5版本是不是无风扇的? 回答来自官方: 13.5" Surface Book with i5 is totally fanless, the 13.5" i7 has a fan only in the base AND just the 15" one has fans both in the tablet & base.13吋i5版本的无风扇,即:...
13.5" Surface Book with i5 is totally fanless, the 13.5" i7 has a fan only in the base AND just the 15" one has fans both in the tablet & base. 13吋i5版本的无风扇,即: 13吋i7版本平板端无风扇底座端有风扇,即: 15吋平板端底座端都有风扇,即: 下表是所有的配置信息了: i5-1035G7和i7...
The new Surface Pro has been redesigned from the inside out to give people more performance with improved battery life. At just 8.5mm thin and starting at 767 grams,1 the new Surface Pro packs the power of a 7th generation Intel® Core™ processor into a new fanless, 2 whisper-quiet ...
My Surface Pro 7 i5 fanless does everything I need it to just fine and it has no fan. Granted, like I have said before, in the rare instance I need something heavy duty, I will use my gaming desktop (AMD 5900X with nVidia 3060Ti)... But everyone is going to keep using what ...