Cumulative and current drivers and firmware for the Surface Pro 7. This package contains drivers for all of the components in the Surface Pro 7, as well as updates to the system firmware that have been released via Windows Update. The driver MSI files include all of the drivers and firmware...
Cumulative and current drivers and firmware for the Surface Pro 7+. This package contains drivers for all of the components in the Surface Pro 7+, as well as updates to the system firmware that have been released via Windows Update. The driver MSI files include all of the drivers and firmw...
Note: If you prefer to see links for drivers in a table format, you can find that in Manage and deploy Surface driver and firmware updates. You'll find direct links to downloadable packages that contain driver and firmware updates for Surface devices. You'll also find a sec...
Note:If you prefer to see links for drivers in a table format, you can find that inManage and deploy Surface driver and firmware updates. You'll find direct links to downloadable packages that contain driver and firmware updates for Surface devices. ...
Note:If you prefer to see links for drivers in a table format, you can find that inManage and deploy Surface driver and firmware updates. You'll find direct links to downloadable packages that contain driver and firmware updates for Surface devices. ...
Step 3: Check if there are available Surface drivers or firmware updates. If yes, select them and click theDownload and installbutton to get these Surface driver or firmware updates. In this step, you need to make sure all the “Surface” named updates are selected and to be installed. ...
SurfacePro11_Win11_26100_24.091.12892.0.msi 此檔案名稱提供下列資訊: 產品:Surface Pro (第 11 版) Windows 版本:Win11 組建:26100 版本:24.091.12892 – 此版本號碼會顯示下列內容: 年:2024 年 (24) 月份和周:091 (9 月第一周) 月份的分鐘數:12892 ...
SurfacePro11_Win11_26100_24.091.12892.0.msi 此檔案名稱提供下列資訊: 產品:Surface Pro (第 11 版) Windows 版本:Win11 組建:26100 版本:24.091.12892 – 此版本號碼會顯示下列內容: 年:2024 年 (24) 月份和周:091 (9 月第一周) 月份的分鐘數:12892 ...
Surface Laptop (7 版)2024 年 6 月 18 日2030 年 6 月 18 日 Surface Pro (11 版)2024 年 6 月 18 日2030 年 6 月 18 日 舊版產品 下表列出已根據驅動程式和韌體生命周期原則傳遞終止服務日期的產品。 相較於Surface 更新歷程記錄中所列的更新,這些裝置不會再收到較新的驅動程式和韌體更新。
产品:Surface Pro (第 11 版) Windows 版本:Win11 内部版本:26100 版本:24.091.12892 – 此版本号显示以下内容: 年份: 24 (2024) 月份和周:091 (9 月) 的第一周 每月分钟数:12892 版本修订:0 (此版本的首次发布) 这有助于 IT 管理员根据产品、OS 和生成兼容性选择正确的更新。