Cumulative and current drivers and firmware for the Surface Pro 4. This package contains drivers for all of the components in the Surface Pro 4, as well as updates to the system firmware that have been released via Windows Update. The driver MSI and ZIP files include all of the drivers and...
Cumulative and current drivers and firmware for the Surface Pro 4. This package contains drivers for all of the components in the Surface Pro 4, as well as updates to the system firmware that have been released via Windows Update. The driver MSI and ZIP files include all of the drivers and...
如果你正在使用微软Surface Book/Pro4,那么在近期内访问设置》更新&安全》Windows Update》检查更新可获得三款全新的英特尔磁盘更新,在完成升级之后并不需要重启电脑,所以不会打扰到你的工作进程。 这三款磁盘驱动更新名为: Driver update for Intel Xeon E3 Driver update for Intel 100 Series Chipset Family SMBUS...
og etter nøye undersøkelse har vi funnet at en liten prosentdel av skjermene på Surface Pro 4-enhetene har «forvrengning». Vær oppmerksom på at dette problemet ikke kan løses med fastvare- eller driveroppdatering....
Surface DevicesSurface Pro 4 Denne enheten har nådd datoen for avvikling av service basert påpolicyen for livssyklus for Surface-driver og fastvarelivssyklusen for Windows-baserte enheterog vil ikke lenger motta driver- og fastvareoppdateringer. ...
Surface Pro 4 幽灵触控修复之路 这台pro 4是16年买的,至今也有4年多了,在度过它的第3个年头时,遭遇了三星屏抖屏的厄运,不懂的朋友可以搜一下“surface pro 4 屏幕抖动”“surface pro 4 发热抖屏”,说多了都是泪。 后来实在忍不了,直接在首富家换了5代LG后压屏,顺便换了新的电池跟铰链支架,只希望...
Surface driver update for Surface Pen Pairing Surface driver update for Surface UEFISurface driver update for Surface Embedded Controller Firmware 2017-适用于 Windows 10 Version 1703 的 07 累积更新,适合基于 x64 的系统 (KB4025342) Windows 恶意软件删除工具,适用于 Windows 8、8.1、10 和 Windows ...
下面是Surface Pro 4的具体更新内容(需要重启两次):Intel Corporation–HIDClass– 当设备睡眠唤醒后,提升多点触摸和手写笔连接性。Microsoft driver update for Surface Embedded Controller Firmware: 103.1791.258.0 提升系统稳定性。Surface driver update for Surface ME: 解决潜在的...
我玩的那十分钟玩出了两次Display Driver Recovered(就是把Intel 520集显玩儿坏了。。),但是还是没能...
- Surface Pro 5 (Wi-Fi) - Surface Pro 4 - Surface Pro 3 - Surface Pro 2 - Surface Pro Surface 膝上型電腦 - Surface Laptop (第 7 版) - Surface Laptop 6 - Surface Laptop 5 - 使用Intel 處理器的 Surface Laptop 4 - 使用AMD 處理器的 Surface Laptop 4 - 使用Intel 處理器的 Surfac...