更新前請使用標準變電器直接將 Surface Pro 3 接上 AC 電源。 請不要使用 Surface 連接基座。 拔除所有 USB 裝置或外接的螢幕,並將滑鼠移向工作列上的圖示,查看 Windows 的充電狀態是否為 40% 以上。 安裝最新的 Surface 更新 請至[開始],並選取 [設定]> [更新與安全性]...
IT之家4月21日消息 微软近期为Surface Pro 3平板电脑设备推送了新的Win10固件更新,该更新为Surface Pro Embedded Controller Firmware提升了系统稳定性和性能,特别是当你切换电源状态时。 下面是Surface Pro 3收到的更新在Windows Update历史页面描述: Surface–Firmware– 你也可以手动下载Surface Pro 3的驱...
身為具有系統管理許可權的 IT 專業人員,您可以使用 Microsoft 下載中心提供的Surface Pro 3 韌體工具 (476 KB),將 UEFI 設定的設定自動化。 這些工具會安裝可從任何自訂的應用程式或指令碼呼叫的 .NET 組件。 先決條件 此頁面上的範例腳本會套用先前提到的擴充功能,因此假設工具已安裝在受管理的裝置上。
Das folgende Update ist für alle Surface Pro 3-Geräte verfügbar, die Windows 10 April 2018 Update, Version 1803 oder höher, ausgeführt werden. Name des Windows-Updateverlaufs Name des Geräte-Managers Surface – Firmware – 3.11.2650.0 Surface UEFI – Firmware 3.11.2650.0 behebt...
The firmware will be updated without any user interaction and your Surface will reboot automatically when it’s done. You will then see “Please wait while we install a system update” for a few minutes and your Surface Pro 3 will reboot again when it’s ready. ...
Surface PR..SurfacePro3 firmware and driver update package, released in 23 June 2015. 中英文通用。先点击 Surface software
To update the UEFI on Surface Pro 3, you can download and install the Surface UEFI updates as part of the Surface Pro 3 Firmware and Driver Pack. These firmware and driver packs are available from the Surface Pro 3 page on the Microsoft Download Center. You can find out more about the ...
Cumulative and current drivers and firmware for the Surface Pro 3. This package contains drivers for all of the components in the Surface Pro 3, as well as updates to the system firmware that have been released via Windows Update. The driver MSI and ZIP files include all of the drivers and...
The following update is available for all Surface Pro 3 devices running Windows 10 April 2018 Update, Version 1803 or greater. Windows Update History Name Device Manager Name Surface – Firmware – 3.11.2650.0 Surface UEFI – Firmware 3.11.2650.0 resolves potential security vulnerabilities, includ...
For Surface Pro, Surface Pro 2, Surface Pro 3, and Surface 3 Important:Under normal circumstances, there’s no need for you to change BIOS settings. If you change these settings, you risk the security of your Surface. But if you ever need acc...