解决方案:将电脑送至微软官方维修点,或者找十五快修平台的的门店。 surface电脑无法开机提示No bootable device怎么办 1、如果发现surface电脑上插有U盘或其它可移动磁盘设备,建议暂时将此设备拔出,以便让系统正常选择从硬盘启动。 2、当然,我们也可以选择操作系统引导方法,重启开机并在出现第一画面时,按“DEL”或其它...
通过双击打开之前下载的SurfaceGo_FixNoBootableDevice.zip文件。 如果找不到 .zip 文件,检查“下载”文件夹。 从.zip 文件夹中选择所有文件夹和文件,然后将其复制到之前格式化的 U 盘。 文件夹和文件完成复制后,USB 驱动器上会显示 38 个文件夹和 2 个文件。 在Surface Go 或 Surface...
Remove the message from your screen.If the message "No Bootable Device" is on your screen, press and hold the power button until the message goes away. Connect the power supply.Plug your power supply to a wall outlet and connect it to your Surface fo...
the Surface Go is underpowered when compared to the Surface Pro, and it is more affordable. When we look at the Surface Go, we see a device designed for everyday browsing, while the Pro is for professionals.
Every Windows user has faced the "No Bootable Device Found" issue. I have suggested a few solutions to resolve the boot problems on the Windows 11 machine.
据外媒NBC消息,最近有不少 Surface Go 用户在更新了 UEFI 1.0.34 固件后,自己的电脑出现了无法启动的严重问题。 这个问题相当严重,就等于是更新了固件后整个电脑变成“砖”了。 是这样的,当用户更新固件后,我们能看到屏幕提示“No Bootable Device”,无法识别硬盘,这样就无法进入系统,即使重装系统、恢复硬盘所有数据...
Pro4闪屏换LG屏幕+电池鼓包更换 修能数码 WinVista 8 Pro7 i7主板风扇异响,换个风扇咯,真是给i5板子羡慕死 captjing MS-DOS 1 surface go2开机后突然关机,再开机就出现“no bootable device”,是什么故障,可以维修吗,大概多少钱? 修能数码 WinVista 8 最后一台,Pro4换屏幕换电池下班咯,要寄修也欢迎...
Good day to all Kindly advice, After Surface hub updates installed and restart, surface not booting with display error massage “no bootable device. Please, add bootable media and reboot” I followed...Show More ReplyShare Resources What's new Surface Pr...
5、此“No Bootable Device”故障多发生于Surface go低配版64GB的eMMC硬盘上,Surface的其它机器包括GO的...
微软Surface Go/Go 2“No Bootable Device”错误修复方法? 2024-11-28 电脑no bootable device怎么解决? 2024-11-28 Surface GO出现“No Bootable Device”怎么办? 2024-11-28 surfacego开机亮logo再黑屏怎么办? 2024-11-28 surfacepro7开机显示logo闪退什么问题?如何处理? 2024-11-28 surfacepro5开机...