Many factors can impede the Surface Pen’s performance, resulting in issues like the Surface pen not working but connected. Some notable ones are: Corrupt orbroken Surface Pen driver:The Surface Pen can run into issues if its driver is not intact. It affects the components dependent on it, ...
we finallaly have a Surface hub2 in our Company and it seems that due to some policys/GPO´s the Pen and Touch feature (via Miracast) does not work with our Windows 10 Clients. (we have a company Image). The projection itself works. If we use an fresh windows 10...
part or all of the screen, multi-touch gestures not working or your Surface Pen not inking, touch behaving inaccurately, your Surface experiencing "phantom" or "ghost" touches, touch being slow to respond, or not knowing how to disable touch on Surface, here are some sol...
part or all of the screen, multi-touch gestures not working or your Surface Pen not inking, touch behaving inaccurately, your Surface experiencing "phantom" or "ghost" touches, touch being slow to respond, or not knowing how to disable touch on Surface, here are some solutions you...
Hello, I have recently installed Linux (Fedora 36) on my Surface Pro 7 (model 1866) but unfortunately I can't get multitouch and pen working. I already opened an issue on the linux-surface/linux-surface repo but I was advised to also ope...
Pair with Surface Pen for digital inking Built-in WiFi, plus optional LTE AdvancedPlug in the accessories with USB-C™ portSurface ProA versatile learning companion that allows users to stay connected wherever they are and experience the best of a laptop, tablet, and studio.Versatile...
- If the USB drive is formatted correctly but still not working, try using a different USB brand. - Use a USB-C flash drive instead and start the process from the beginning. - Double-check that you completed the following step, as shown earlier fromRecovery from a USB drive, and repeate...
Note After you apply this update, the "Not Connected" status is updated to the "Paired" status if the pen is paired. How to obtain this update Method 1: Windows Update This update is available fromWindows Update. Method 2: Microsoft Downloa...
Installed surface-kernel using Method.1 but the touch screen, digitizer, and auto-rotate do not work. The touch screen is recognized and enabled but doesn't function. Can't figure out what it could be. May i ask you a little help @Taivas...
Anyone know if the sony vaio duo pen 11 can be used on the Surface? Tks, alyssonmelo Thread Jan 8, 2013 duo 11 sony vaio surface rt Replies: 1 Forum: Microsoft Surface D Thread God Mode (From Windows 7) Works on the Surface RT. My entirely non-techy but for some reason reliant...