附註:Microsoft Classroom Pen 1 和 Microsoft Classroom Pen 2 不支援藍牙或手寫筆蓋功能。
Note:Surface Laptop Go models and Surface Laptop 7th Edition are not compatible with the Surface Pen, as they do not support inking or writing. Check the battery level of your pen You can quickly find your pen's battery level in the Surface app. Open the Surface...
Note:Surface Laptop Go models and Surface Laptop 7th Edition are not compatible with the Surface Pen, as they do not support inking or writing. Check the battery level of your pen You can quickly find your pen's battery level in the Surface app. Open the Surface...
如果您的 Surface 手寫筆無法書寫,請放心,您可以嘗試執行一些步驟,讓它再次運作。 開始之前,以下是一些要檢閱的專案。 Surface Laptop Go 型號和第 Surface Laptop 7 版與 Surface 手寫筆筆跡功能不相容。 請確定您的 Surface 手寫筆有全新的電池,或是需要充電 () 。 解決方案 1:重新啟動...
注意:Surface Laptop Go 型号和 Surface Laptop 7th Edition 与 Surface 触控笔不兼容,因为它们不支持墨迹书写。 检查触控笔的电池电量 可以在 Surface 应用中快速查找触控笔的电池电量。 打开Surface 应用 在应用的底部,你将看到连接的 Surface 配件。 找到触控笔以查看其电池电量。
Talk with Surface supportSee where to buy devices Some accessories and software sold separately. [*]Type Cover, Surface Dial, Surface Pen, Microsoft Office and some software sold separately. [1]Surface battery life Surface Laptop Go 3:Up to 15 hours of battery life based on typical Surface de...
3.触控笔:在Go这一低价位产品线上所适配的同样是支持4096级压感的Surface Pen,对于Surface系列来说,...
微软今日为 Surface Pro 7 Plus和初代 Surface Laptop Studio发布了新的固件更新。此次更新修复了潜在的安全漏洞,并且优化了触控笔的自动配对功能,提高了用户的使用体验。同时,针对 Surface Pro 7 Plus 的 LTE 网络连接也进行了改进,增加了网络稳定性,并提供了更可靠的网络连接。
Devices from the Microsoft Surface family, like the Surface Laptop, Book, Pro, or Surface Duo work great with an active pen like the Microsoft Surface (Slim) Pen, but other devices with pen support should work too. Using a pen will enhance your productivity, enabling you to write and draw...
IT之家3 月 6 日消息,微软今日为 Surface Pro 7 Plus(注意不要与已于几天前停止支持的 Surface Pro 7 混淆)和初代 Surface Laptop Studio 发布了新的固件更新。此次更新的主要亮点包括 Surface Slim Pen 触控笔自动配对以及针对 Surface Pro 7 Plus 的 LTE 网络改进。