Cumulative and current drivers and firmware for the Surface Laptop Go. This package contains drivers for all of the components in the Surface Laptop Go, as well as updates to the system firmware that have been released via Windows Update. The driver MSI files include all of the drivers and ...
package contains drivers for all of the components in the Surface Laptop Go 3, as well as updates to the system firmware that have been released via Windows Update. The driver MSI files include all of the drivers and firmware needed to deploy custom images of Windows on your Surface devices...
Along with software updates for Windows 10 or Windows 11, it's important to make hardware updates, also known as updates for drivers and firmware. You can quickly check the health of your Surface drivers and firmware using the Surface app. Open the Surface app In the Surface ...
If you don't have the app, you'll need to download the Surface app from Microsoft Store.Featured topics Download drivers and firmware for Surface Find out how to get the latest drivers and hardware firmware to keep your Surface up to date. GET DRIVERS AND FIRMWARE Switching out of S ...
Surface Laptop Go 是少数配备指纹传感器而非 Windows Hello 兼容摄像头的 Surface 设备之一。 不过,基本型号不提供指纹传感器,因此需要购买 700 美元或更高配置的产品。Surface Laptop Go 拥有便携的外形、快速的指纹传感器和精美的设计。 然而,糟糕的电池续航时间、低分辨率显示屏和无背光键盘阻碍了用户的使用体验。
Surface Laptop Go配置表 好了先总结一下优缺点,我大概归纳以下几条,优点1:工业设计质感非常好,不说入门级产品当中,同价位的可能也极少能有可以相提并论的,即使并不是全部使用铝合金做的外壳,还是给到了非常不错的视觉和触觉感受。优点2:配置上还算不错,给到了第十代英特尔酷睿i5处理器,虽然是入门级的...
Surface Laptop Go 3 update historySurface devices will receive driver and firmware updates until the date listed in the Surface devices driver and firmware lifecycle for Windows-based devices. To keep your Surface Laptop Go 3 performing its best, make sure that you have the latest S...
本吧热帖: 1-Surface laptop切换到win10专业版的一些注意事项 2-SurfaceLaptop3不开机,主板电池标记红灯亮是啥问题 3-surface lap top 本来是10点触控支持现在怎么突然变成单一触控了 4-出surface laptop5 i5 16G 512G 5-二手笔记本laptop3被绑定 6-有开机logo 有开机音乐
因为我对win笔记本的要求并不高,挑来挑去于是选择了“Surface Laptop Go”。 虽然只有8+256的配置,但是应付以上环境还是绰绰有余的,主要的东西都存OneDrive上方便家里面的电脑与公司里面的电脑联动。 所以在经过各种品牌之间对比后选择了微软。 我选择的理由也很简单 ...
本着早买早享受,晚买有优惠的执念,我在 2022年购入Surface Laptop go。我买到的是8G LPDDR4x 内存,第 10 代英特尔® 酷睿™ i5 处理器 – 1035G1,256GB储存版本。在闲鱼上以3000元的价格从一个购买了两个月的老哥手里买入。我的购买目的也很简单,最近由于公务员考试和撰写毕业论文的缘故,频繁出没于图书...