Cumulative and current drivers and firmware for the Surface Laptop 4 with Intel Processor. This package contains drivers for all of the components in the Surface Laptop 4 with Intel Processor, as well as updates to the system firmware that have been released via Windows Update. The driver MSI ...
SurfaceLaptop3_Intel_Win10_19044_24.080.2664.0.msi SurfaceLaptop3_Intel_Win11_22000_24.080.2664.0.msi File Size: 633.0 MB 633.5 MB The following packages will continue to be updated with the latest drivers and firmware until the date listed in the Surface Driver and Firmware Support Lifecycle Pol...
Along with software updates for Windows 10 or Windows 11, it's important to make hardware updates, also known as updates for drivers and firmware. You can quickly check the health of your Surface drivers and firmware using the Surface app. Open the Surface app In the Surface ...
If multiple downloads are available and you want to update your Surface with the latest drivers and firmware from the Download Center, select the .msi file name that matches your Surface model and version of Windows and select Next. For example: To update a Surface Pro 7 with...
您管理 Surface 驅動程式和韌體更新的方式取決於您的環境和組織需求。 大型組織中的IT系統管理員通常會先暫存部署並進行測試,再將更新輪流至使用者,以確保系統保持穩定且安全。 注意 本文適用於 IT 專業人員,僅適用於 Surface 裝置。 如需想要安裝更新的住家使用者,請參閱下載 Surface 的驅動程式和韌體。
管理Surface 驱动程序和固件更新的方式取决于你的环境和组织要求。 大型组织中的 IT 管理员通常会在向用户滚动更新之前暂存部署并进行测试,确保系统保持稳定和安全。 备注 本文面向 IT 专业人员,仅适用于 Surface 设备。 对于想要安装更新的家庭用户,请参阅下载 Surface 的驱动程序和固件。
Surface devices are designed to use a unique Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) engineered by Microsoft specifically for these devices. Surface UEFI settings allow IT admins to enable or disable built-in devices and components, protect UEFI settings from being changed, and adjust the Surfac...
- 使用Intel 處理器的 Surface Laptop 4 - 使用AMD 處理器的 Surface Laptop 4 - 使用Intel 處理器的 Surface Laptop 3 - 具有AMD 處理器的 Surface Laptop 3 - Surface Laptop 2 - Surface Laptop Surface Laptop Go - Surface Laptop Go 3 - Surface Laptop Go 2 - Surface Laptop Go Surface Laptop St...
The Surface Laptop 2 has reached end of service, and won't get any new firmware updates Microsoft If you own a Surface Laptop 2, you'll no longer get driver and firmware updates from Microsoft for your device. ByArif Bacchus Dec 27, 2022 ...
本吧热帖: 1-Surface laptop切换到win10专业版的一些注意事项 2-求助!laptop4屏幕中间闪烁 3-出surfacelaptop1代 4-Laptop3 换硬盘重装系统问题 5-有开机logo 有开机音乐 之后就一直黑屏 6-SurfaceLaptop3不开机,主板电池标记红灯亮是啥问题 7-surface lap top 本来是10