Surface Laptop 4 13.5" IntelSurface Laptop 4Surface_Laptop_4_1950:1951 Surface Laptop 4 15" AMDSurface Laptop 4Surface_Laptop_4_1952:1953 Surface Laptop 4 15" IntelSurface Laptop 4Surface_Laptop_4_1978:1979 Surface Laptop 5 13.5" ConsumerSurface Laptop 5Surface_Laptop_5_1950:1951 ...
drivers for all of the components in the Surface Laptop 4 with Intel Processor, as well as updates to the system firmware that have been released via Windows Update. The driver MSI files include all of the drivers and firmware needed to deploy custom images of Windows on your Surface devices...
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drivers for all of the components in the Surface Laptop 4 with AMD Processor, as well as updates to the system firmware that have been released via Windows Update. The driver MSI files include all of the drivers and firmware needed to deploy custom images of Windows on your Surface devices....
将Surface Laptop .msi 文件的内容提取到可以轻松找到的文件夹, (例如 c:\surface_laptop_drivers) 。 若要提取内容,请打开提升的命令提示符窗口,并运行以下示例中的 命令: Windows 命令提示符 Msiexec.exe /a SurfaceLaptop_Win10_15063_1703008_1.msi targetdir=c:\surface_laptop_drivers /qn ...
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Surface Laptop Go不適用不適用不適用不適用不適用是是 Surface Studio是是是是是是是 Surface Studio 2不適用是是是是是是 確認組態 若要確認軟體更新點已正確設定,請使用WsyncMgr.log和WCM.log。 開WsyncMgr.log並檢查下列記錄專案: text Surface Drivers can be supported in this hierarchy since all softwar...
After the previous step, you now have a bootable Linux distribution on your device, but on newer devices, a lot of features might not be working at this point. In this step you'll install the patched kernel with Surface drivers (and firmware). We're working towards upstreaming as much ...
If Windows starts after you force a shut down and restart:Install the latest Surface and Windows updates to help prevent future problems. For more info, seeDownload drivers and firmware for Surface. If Windows doesn’t start: Go toSolution 3. ...
This device has reached the End of Servicing. The following packages are no longer being updated with newer drivers and firmware.