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1,下载一个MKC(Mouse and Keyboard center),在微软官方网站:Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center 如下图,这里有32bit/64bit 可供选择: 选择对应的系统直接安装(Run)或者先保存下来(Save/Save as)再安装,安装的过程非常简单,傻瓜式安装没什么难度,整个安装过程需时2-3分钟。 安装成功后,就会看到一个设置面板,在...
兼容性 另外还支持MacOS、Android设备蓝牙连接,而且不同系统设备间可以通过底部蓝牙键快速切换,兼容友好度可以说是非常高了。 智能切换可以在三台配对设备间移动光标,无需手动切换,但必须有鼠标和键盘中心(Mouse and Keyboard Center)支持。这是Precision的一大产品亮点,不过这样的多设备场景似乎并不常见,或许专业级用户...
Surface 触控笔疑难解答 如果你的触控笔无法与你的 Surface 配对或两者无法一起使用,请尝试以下步骤。 排除触控笔故障 Surface Dock 和扩展坞疑难解答 如果在将 Surface Dock 或扩展坞与 Surface 一起使用时遇到问题,请查看此处的帮助。 停靠问题故障排除 Surface...
Surface 触控笔疑难解答 如果你的触控笔无法与你的 Surface 配对或两者无法一起使用,请尝试以下步骤。 排除触控笔故障 Surface Dock 和扩展坞疑难解答 如果在将 Surface Dock 或扩展坞与 Surface 一起使用时遇到问题,请查看此处的帮助。 停靠问题故障排除 Surface...
Hi, the keyboard and mouse are not working when installing windows. Had to use usb devices to install. Why is it so unfriendly? Any alternatives to usb mouse...
3个侧边自订快捷键 Precision Mouse有2个较大的特点,其一是拇指3个自订按键,再来就是搭配Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center的跨平台多工作作业模式。先从快捷键来说,拇指处有2大1小的按键可以按压,除了常用的网页上下页切换外,中键也可以设定成F5、F12、PrintScreen或其他功能,单手就能处理不...
Explore the full range of Microsoft Surface accessories. Shop the latest keyboard covers, cases, mice, pens, hubs and more. See products, features and pricing in the official Microsoft Store.
Microsoft’s Adaptive Accessories are now made available for commercial customers, which can be a great help for people who are not used to a traditional mouse and keyboard to create their ideal setup, which thereby can increase productivity and use the apps they like more efficiently. ...
Troubleshoot keyboard problems Troubleshoot problems with your Surface mouse or keyboard Try these steps to pair your mouse and keyboard and get them working. Start accessories troubleshooting Troubleshoot your Surface Pen Try these steps if your pen isn't pairing or working with your Surface. ...