续航时间一直是surface pro 4最大的问题之一,有关这个问题不仅在百度贴吧有大量讨论,在老外的贴吧reddit也同样百家争鸣。LZ每天刷reddit的surface版快刷出强迫症了,当然也就有了这两个收获,给大家分享一下。 3楼2016-01-18 06:43 回复 shitman20009 核心吧友 7 大神总是无处不在,reddit上某网友就找到了不...
另外,我觉得go不是廉价版,因为它的处理器性能实打实的是pro5 m3巅峰的80%(go不会降频——微软自己说的:www dot reddit dot com 、 r/Surface/comments/8xs117/pentium_4415y_is_more_corem3_than_atom/)而且go由于分辨率更低所以性能只会更好。我觉得go是一个合理的小型化版本,12寸太大了,根本不是平板...
事实上,另一位Reddit用户问道,微软是否有任何外部电池或键盘电池之类的计划。Surface团队在回答里暗示称,"这将需要扩展'附件脊'(accessory spine)的设计,以在附加组件和主电池之间传输一些更高的电流。我们(确实)这么做了..." 到目前为止,Surface Pro唯一的附件就是Touch和Type Cover,还包括手写笔和一个限量版的Su...
He has been using Surface devices since the first release of the original Surface Pro and currently uses a Surface Laptop Studio as his full-time daily driver machine. Additionally, he owns multiple Surface devices, including Surface RT, Surface 3, Surface Go 1-2, Surface Pro 3, Surface ...
{"New tab":"What's New","New 1":"Surface Laptop Studio 2","New 2":"Surface Laptop Go 3","New 3":"Surface Pro 9","New 4":"Surface Laptop 5","New 5":"Surface Studio 2+","New 6":"Copilot in Windows","New 7":"Microsoft 365","New 8":"Windows 11 apps","Sto...
Hi All, The organization that I support has seen five Surface Laptop keyboards and trackpads fail after a recent Windows Update within the last two...
the Surface Pro series is best for someone who wants to work and unwind on the go. With features such as support for LTE connectivity, speakers with Dolby Audio, dual far-field microphones, and cameras with up to 4K video, you’ll be able to hop on a video call and collaborate with ...
美东时间3月21日周四,微软推出两款PC Surface Pro 10商用版和Surface Laptop 6商用版,4月9日开始发货。它们被微软称为“第一批专为企业打造的 Surface AI PC”。 作为面向企业的电脑,微软不会直接向个人消费者出售Surface Pro 10和Surface Laptop 6,也就是说,在Target或者Best Buy这类零售商渠道买不到这两款...
He has been using Surface devices since the first release of the original Surface Pro and currently uses a Surface Laptop Studio as his full-time daily driver machine. Additionally, he owns multiple Surface devices, including Surface RT, Surface 3, Surface Go 1-2, Surface Pro 3, Surface ...
外放音质不错,但是比ipadpro要差些,感觉缺少一点立体感。但是很清晰,3.5mm内放音质也很好。 整体做工不错,不输苹果。 原装键盘手感很好。只是偶尔键盘需要多连接两次才能识别,感觉是系统的问题。目前是win10最新系统。办公软件直接就是是正版,这个太 分享198 surfacego吧 jszx91 surfacego4+64的用vscode写代码可以...