Monitor device health: Use Intune’s Surface Management Portal to track update success and detect any issues. To learn more, see Surface Management Portal overview. Adopt Windows Update for Business: This ensures Surface devices always have the latest drivers, firmware, and security patches. To le...
更新可讓您的 Surface 保持最佳執行狀態。 除了 Windows 10 或 Windows 11 的軟體更新外,請務必製作硬體更新,也稱為驅動程式和韌體更新。 您可以使用 Surface 應用程式,快速檢查 Surface 驅動程式和韌體的健康情況。 開啟Surface 應用程式 在Surface 應用程式中,展開[說明與支援]以檢查更新狀態。
Manually update Surface drivers and firmware(Advanced) You'll find the links for drivers after choosing your Surface model in the dropdown list in this section. Note:If you prefer to see links for drivers in a table format, you can find that inManage and deploy Surface driver and fir...
Manually update Surface drivers and firmware(Advanced) You'll find the links for drivers after choosing your Surface model in the dropdown list in this section. Note:If you prefer to see links for drivers in a table format, you can find that inManage and deploy Surface driver and firmware ...
Surface driver and firmware lifecycle period The following table shows the release and end-of-servicing dates for Surface devices with a defined driver and firmware lifecycle policy: Surface deviceRelease dateEnd-of-servicing date for firmware & drivers ... 重置触摸屏校准注意:你将需要键盘或鼠标连接到 Surface,如同在解决方案2中。如果解决方案 1-7 不起作用,重新校准触摸屏:1). 按 Windows 徽标键。(如果你使用鼠标,选择“开始”。)2). 输入”校准”,...
其次更新官方驱动(英伟达公版不要安装)然后保持关机状态之后长按电源键30秒以上直到微软LOGO出现之后松手长按音量+ 15秒以上之后等待开机,查看任务管理器,独显不再失踪或几分钟断开(这是目前发现除了1709镜像回退外...
“Surface Pro 7+ Drivers and Firmware”介绍为“Surface Pro 7+ 和 Surface Pro 7 及 LT;”应理解为7+驱动程序和固件适用于Surface Pro 7+、Surface Pro 7 、Surface Pro 7 LT,但为何给pro7安装Download Surface Pro 7+ Drivers and Firmware from Official Microsoft Download Center 会失败? 介绍页: Sur...
Find out how to get the latest drivers and hardware firmware to keep your Surface up to date. GET DRIVERS AND FIRMWARE Switching out of S mode in Windows If you want to install an app that isn't available in the Microsoft Store, you'll need to switch out of S mode. Learn how to...
进行官网选择对应固件和驱动。链接:Download drivers and firmware for your Surface 推荐下载msi格式的固件,直接运行安装。 四、文章更新记录 2020-04-15:用markdown重写全文,便于更新 2018-11-16:增加分割 install.wim 的方法 2017-06-18:初稿 自此,一台干净纯净的Surface已经打造完成!欢迎食用~~ ...