表面光洁度表示符号(Symbols for surface finish) Surface finish is the old standard for surface roughness; Their corresponding relation: Surface finish 14, =Ra 0.012 Surface finish 13, =Ra 0.025 Surface finish 12, =Ra 0.050 Surface finish 11, =Ra 0.1 Surface finish 10, =Ra 0.2 Surface finish...
You can specify the surface texture of a part face by using a surface finish symbol. You can select the face in a part, assembly, or drawing document.Surface finish symbols are formed by combining the Symbol and Lay Direction (direction of lay)....
表面光洁度表示符号(Thesurfaceroughnesssymbols) Thesurfacefinishisroughonthesurfaceoftheoldstandard; Thecorrespondingrelationshipbetweenthem: Thesurfacefinishof14=Ra0.012 Thesurfacefinishof13=Ra0.025 Thesurfacefinishof12=Ra0.050 Thesurfacefinishof11=Ra0.1 Thesurfacefinishof10=Ra0.2 Thesurfacefinishof9=Ra0.4 ...
In Text size, set the value that Toolbox uses as the text size and to compute the symbol size. Click OK to return to the Toolbox - Surface Finish Symbols dialog box.Click OK.Do one of the following to place the symbol in the drawing: Click in the graphics area to specify the dest...
surface finish 101
BasicTermsandDefinitions基本术语和定义 MainEvaluationparametersforsurfaceroughness表面粗糙度主要评定参数PrinciplesforSelectingSurfaceRoughnessParameters选择表面粗糙度参数的原则 SymbolsandDesignationMethods符号和命名方法MethodforDesigningtheSurfaceRoughnessSymbolsonaDrawing在图纸上标注表面粗糙度符号的方法MeasurementTechniques测量...
surface finish and minimum film thicknesssurface texture and interactionsurface roughness measuring techniquesstylus profilometer and electrical analog signalnoncontacting optical methodsmeasuring surface flatnessasperity plastic deformationsurface texture values and symbols...
ASME Y14.36M - 1996 Surface Texture Symbols ISO 468:1982 “Surface roughness — parameters. Their values and general rules for specifying requirements.” ISO 4287:1997 “Surface texture: Profile method — Terms, definitions and surface texture parameters.” ...
surfacefinishprofilesymbolmachiningtexture SurfaceFinish•Anengineeringcomponentmaybecast,forged,drawn,weldedorstamped,etc.•Allthesurfacesmaynothavefunctionalrequirementsandneednotbeequallyfinished•Somesurfaces(owingtotheirfunctionalrequirements)needadditionalmachiningthatneedstoberecordedonthedrawingSurfaceRoughnessSurfac...