Surface roughness average (Ra), also know as arithmetric average (AA) is rated as the arithmetic average deviation of the surface valleys and peaks expressed in micro inches or micro meters. ISO standards use the term CLA (Center Line Average). Both are interpreted identical. Where Ra is the...
砂纸目数与表面粗糙度 砂纸目数和表面粗糙度对照表_surface_finish_chart 热度: 表面粗糙度对照表 热度: 表面粗糙度等级对照表 热度: GRITNO. 砂纸目数 USAFINISH# 美国光洁度号 COMMON NAME [USA]Ra MICROINCH美 国Raμin E/PRANGE RaMICROINCH [UK]Ra ...
1.513 - 14Buff #20080.2310.88 N4 Buff #300 400#8Mirror Finish 4 - 8500#8Supermirror Finish < 43 - 8500 #8 Supermirror Finish 40.1160.4 4 - 10 N3Buff #400 20.0680.2N21 0.02540.1 N1 ↑ Common USA name.ASTM A480.SURFACE FINISH CROSS REFERENCE CHART 表面抛光对照表 ...
SURFACE FINISH CROSS REFERENCE CHART表面抛光对照表GRIT NO.砂纸目数USA FINISH #美国光洁度号COMMONNAME[USA] RaMICROINCH 美国Ra μin2000100050025012570 Max.40 - 60635240 - 60 typ.42 Max.30 - 353230 Max.20 - 3025 Max.20 - 2515 - 201612 Max.8 - 121284 - 8< 43 - 8421E/P RANGERa MICROIN...
The following charts and tables convert surface finish or roughness between selected industry standard units.Where: Ra = Roughness, average in micro-meters & micro-inches RMS = Root Mean Square in micro-inches CLA = Center Line average in micro-inches Rt = Roughness, total in microns N = ...
Q.I am trying to get a surface finish comparison chart from a Charmille EDM finish to an Ra. If anyone can lead me in the right direction, I would appreciate the help. Hank Walton - Lafayette, Louisiana A.How nice of Charmilles to have their own surface finish standard... ...
the reading of the surface finish is the 3rd thing. So if I understand this right, you are requesting info on the difference between the RA's in which case, the lower the number the smoother the surface finish. I don't think you are talking about different measurement scales, are you?
EDM surface finishes chart Charmille EDM finish Charmilles texture Charmilles finish EDM Sparking surface finish EDM Surface Finish Scale RA MICRO-METER RA MICRO INCHES RMS -2 .08 3.14 3.90 -1 .09 3.54 4.40 0 .10 3.94 4.90 1 .11 4.33 5.50 2 .12 4.72 5.90 3 .14 5.51 6.90...
SURFACE FINISH CROSS REFERENCE CHART GRIT NO. 60 80 100 - 120 120 150 180 200 - 220 240 320 400 500 500 USA FINISH # #1 #2 #3 #4 #4 #4 #4S #6 #7 #8 #8 #8 COMMON NAME Mill Plate Satin Sheet Commercial #4 3A Sanitary Finish ANSI #4 Sanitary Finish Biothech Finish Mirror...
CLA - "Center Line Average". Ra, equal to microinches, is rarely used. Triangle – The old ISO system before the N number of ticks. (can appear on very old drawings) Surface Finish Chart by Processing Technology In the graph below you can find the minimum surface roughness (optimum surfac...