Zhou and Cess (2001) based their original algorithm for retrieving surface downwelling longwave radiation (SDLW) upon detailed studies using radiative transfer model calculations and surface radiometric measurements. Their algorithm linked clear sky SDLW with surface upwelling longwave flux and column preci...
Downward shortwave radiation (DSR) is an essential parameter in the terrestrial radiation budget and a necessary input for models of land-surface processes. Although several radiation products using satellite observations have been released, coarse spatial resolution and low accuracy limited their applicatio...
In contrast, plot-scale LST estimation at flux tower sites is commonly based on the inversion of upwelling longwave radiation captured by tower-mounted radiometers, whereas the role of the downwelling longwave radiation component is often ignored. We found that neglecting the reflected downwelling ...
Table 2 Statistics of downwelling shortwave radiation (QS) and downwelling longwave radiation (QL) of all reanalysis/satellite products compared with TRITON data in the Pacific Ocean during 2001–2009 Full size table Table 3 Statistics of downwelling shortwave radiation (QS) and downwelling longwave ra...
downwelling surface longwave radiation (DSLR); dust aerosol; aerosol optical depth (AOD); MODIS Graphical Abstract1. Introduction As an important component of global radiation balance, downwelling surface longwave radiation (DSLR) is of major interest for the study of land surface processes and land...