If the PDO stays positive for the next dec- ades, we expect an accelerated warming in the Arctic, at least around the Bering Strait and eastward. Indeed, there is evidence of record low sea ice extent around the Ber- ing Strait in recent winters of 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 (https://...
Because the surface layer is where the wind stress, main forcing of the model is applied, major effort will have to be devoted to parameterizing the near-surface downward mixing of momentum, heat and fresh water.doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2003.10.015Gilles Reverdin...
m or more, which are associated with the equatorial eastward-propagating oceanic Kelvin waves forced by anomalous surface wind stress. However, the local and remote effects of such equatorial oceanic Kelvin waves on the SST and deep oceanic temperature anomalies, especially north of the equator, ...
where g is the acceleration due to gravity, ρis the potential density, f is the Coriolis parameter, z is the vertical coordinate (positive downward), r is the radial coordinate, and vtis the eddy tangential velocity. The first term on the right-hand-side represents the planetary vorticity ...
Over the Siberian shelf, an eastward freshwater transport anomaly was found; however, a clear pathway of this water toward the central Arctic was not revealed from the model results. Previously, Morison et al. [2012] had suggested that the atmospheric circulation in the second half of 2000s le...
2011). This deformation occurred either under its own weight and/or as it was pulled or sucked down by the adjacent slab of European lithosphere that foundered and then tore off to the northeast during northeastward Miocene roll-back subduction in the Western Carpathians. Another possibility is ...
(SST) in the South Atlantic at decadal time scales. In austral summer, warm SST anomalies in the southwest South Atlantic induce concurrent above-normal surface air temperature over SEA. This decadal-scale teleconnection occurs through the eastward propagating South Atlantic–Australia (SAA) wave ...
It was also found that the location of the upwelling center also has a significant monthly migration: it appeared first in the coastal area with steep terrain near the northern Daishan Island in April, then moved eastward to the northern sea of Zhongjieshan Islands in May; finally it moved ...
Sea surface salinity (SSS) is one of the most important basic parameters for studying the oceanographic processes and is of great significance in identifying oceanic currents. However, for a long time, the salinity observation in the estuary and coastal
warm water, and low-nutrient open SCS. The average surface water temperature of Liyue Tan was significantly lower than that of Nansha, which may be related to the upwelling of low-temperature bottom water caused by the northeastward transport of the west coast of Nansha [76]. The marginal ...