返回曲面UV长度,根据uv画个矩形那就等于是rhino手工命令CreateUV,等于CreateUV,那咱就可以拿来和曲面流动一起配合, 相当于投影的方式了。 is planar —test whether a surface is planar 判断一个曲面是不是平面曲面, surface points —get the control-points of a nurbs surface 提取曲面点及其各项数据。其中有...
封闭的曲线成面。 control point loft —create a loft through curve control points. 根据曲线控制点放样成曲面。 就是传统的放样 edge surface —create a surface from two, three or four edge curves. 根据四条边生成曲面。 fit loft —create a loft fitted through a set of curves. 重建曲线后放样 l...
Poprad, Slovakia I just checked in changes to this. The next release of Grasshopper and RhinoCommon for Rhino5 will treat Surface control-points in the same way as Curve control-points. I.e. you will no longer have to worry about adjusting the location based on the weight. I realize this...
December 25, 2014 at 8:30am A nurbs surface requires a rectangular grid of control-points; it needs to have a fixed number of columns, and a fixed number of rows. However instead of putting these control-points into a table structure, Rhino treats them as a single flat list. For exampl...
Rhino Interface Grasshopper Interface Read More Result Points New Result points (previously surface result points) allow you to set user-defined points for result values on surfaces and solids. This function provides you with additional evaluation options in addition to the result values at grid point...
Provides CAD, CAM, CAE, and computer graphics software developers the tools to accurately transfer 3-D geometry between applications. Old mirror of Rhino C++ openNURBS SDK. New development at https://github.com/mcneel/opennurbs - opennurbs/opennurbs_nurb
4. Controllable fitting precision. The maximum deviation between points and surface can be specified; 5. Controllable surface smoothness. The surface's smoothness can be adjusted by 5 levels; 6. Handle large scale data. Surface control point number can reach 300X300 which enables the program to ...
called splines. The 3D surface is swept from these construction curves or simply lofted through. The other method is the creation of the surface with the help of manipulation of the control points or surface poles. Once these basic surfaces are created, designers can construct other surfaces with...
It`s because I'm using Rhino to obtain the parameters of a surface: - control points - weights - knot vectors but until now I have been able only to obtain those parameters from curves, not from surfaces, that's what made me think that rhino does no work with nurbs surfaces, cause ...
I think my technique works, For lines, two points are sufficient (vertex). For curves, control points are sufficient. For arcs that its complicated, it all fake checkpoints more vectors. See the results here: http://www.youtube.com/user/rhymone1?feature=mhum#p/a/u/1/7eXiOGvevaAAbout...