Cumulative and current drivers and firmware for the Surface Book 2. This package contains drivers for all of the components in the Surface Book 2, as well as updates to the system firmware that have been released via Windows Update. The driver MSI files include all of the drivers and firmwar...
2025 年 10 月 14 日之後,Microsoft 將不再提供 Windows Update、技術協助或 Windows 10 安全性問題修正的免費軟體更新。 您的電腦仍可運作,但我們建議您移至 Windows 11。 深入了解 Surface Book 2 圖表與功能 SDXC™ 卡片閱讀機 USB 3.0 後相機
https://www.int防el.c抽n/content/ww自w/c己n/zh/s删upport/products/80939/graphics-drivers.ht除ml在这里找到对应的处理器型号来到这个页面下载ZIP文件即可图中对应的文件非surfacebook2的型号,请务必自行找到对应的处理器,不要乱下载 17楼2020-04-20 11:35 回复 ...
【解决方法】surfacebook独显丢失问题 只看楼主收藏回复 生与死的浮华 深度研究 11 首先更新到最新系统1803其次更新官方驱动(英伟达公版不要安装)然后保持关机状态之后长按电源键30秒以上直到微软LOGO出现之后松手...
Automate driver and firmware updates with MDT on Windows 10 While theMicrosoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT)isn’t supported for ARM-based devices or Windows 11, it remains a useful tool for automating updates on x86-based Surface devices running Windows 10. Use task sequences to install drivers and...
Windows 10版本更新和更高版本的服务驱动程序 Windows 10版本更新和更高版本的升级 & 服务驱动程序。 选择完产品后,单击“确定”。 同步软件更新点,使 Surface 驱动程序Configuration Manager。 同步Surface 驱动程序后,以部署其他更新的相同方式部署它们。
Facebookx.comLinkedInEmail Print Article 02/15/2025 2 contributors Applies to: Windows 10, Windows 11 Feedback In this article Overview Surface driver and firmware lifecycle period Legacy products Learn more This page provides essential information on the driver and firmware lifecycle for Windows-base...
I even tried to use a 3rd party driver installer but that BSODed the Windows and I had to reinstall it. I ran out of ideas, other than try to find individual drivers, if it's even possible. Any help would be welcome. Majus Copper ContributorAug 01, 2024 Surface Book 182Views 0...
Find out how to get the latest drivers and hardware firmware to keep your Surface up to date. GET DRIVERS AND FIRMWARE Surface won't turn on or start Here are some things to try to help you get it running again. See how to wake up your Surface ...
Surface Laptop 2 or Surface Laptop 3 Eligible to be offered, when data shows your device is ready. Surface Laptop Go Eligible to be offered, when data shows your device is ready. Surface Go 2 Eligible to be offered, when data shows your device is ready. Surface ...