打开Surface应用也会提示Surface Audio应用不再被支持,并建议卸载该应用。 至于iOS和Android上的Surface Audio应用,没有必要卸载它。该应用将继续通过各自平台的应用商店进行更新,并以微软Surface应用更名取代。使用Surface Audio应用的Windows 10和Windows 11用户将不得不卸载该应用,并在商店中下载Surface应用。 微软将这些...
Thank you for downloading Surface Audio app If your download does not start after 30 seconds, click here to download manually Installation note: In the following Install Instructions, please start at the step after the mention of clicking the Download button. Install Instructions Popular downloads P...
Windows 11Windows 10 If you're having trouble with the sound, volume, audio playback, or recording on your Surface—or if you're having trouble with an audio accessory like headphones, external speakers, or a mic—here are some things to try. ...
Audio accessories:Adjust the volume on the headset, speakers, phone, or other audio accessory or adjust it in the software included with the accessory. To learn more about adjusting volume levels, check the info that came with your accessory or go to the manufacturer's web...
通过使用 Windows 11、Microsoft 365 和 Surface Go 4 的全高清摄像头进行轻松连接、共同创造和沟通。 适应不同类型的工作 凭借实现最大胆目标的强大性能和在任何地方都能出色工作的适应能力来更出色、更睿智地开展工作。 清晰通话 使用2W 立体声扬声器,搭配 Dolby® Audio™ 技术以及远场工作室麦克风,可实现清晰...
IT之家5 月 10 日消息,开发者 Gustave Monce 近日更新 DuoWoA 项目,为 Surface Duo 手机发布了 2305.25 驱动版本更新,让这款双屏手机更顺畅地运行Win11系统。 本次驱动版本更新主要提高了 GPU 驱动和图形堆栈的稳定性,改进了后台性能,修复了亮度问题,从而带来更优秀的使用体验。
Windows Update 名稱 裝置管理員 NVIDIA - 顯示器 - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Ti Laptop GPU - 顯示卡 Surface - 擴充功能 - Microsoft裝置遙測服務 - 擴充功能 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. - MEDIA - 6.0.9681.3 Realtek High Definition Audio (SST) – 音效、視...
- Audio- NFC Windows Update Name: - Intel Corporation - Bluetooth - Intel Wireless Bluetooth - Bluetooth- Intel - net - Intel Wi-Fi 6E AX211 160MHz - Network adapters- Surface - System - Surface Integration Service - System ...
On-board audio Digital graphics processing unit Type cover Micro SD card Front camera Rear camera Infrared camera (for Windows Hello) Bluetooth only Wireless network and Bluetooth Long-term evolution (LTE) Discrete GPU (dGPU) On-board microphone MAC address emulation Wired LAN Near-field communicatio...
On-board audio Digital graphics processing unit Type cover Micro SD card Front camera Rear camera Infrared camera (for Windows Hello) Bluetooth only Wireless network and Bluetooth Long-term evolution (LTE) Discrete GPU (dGPU) On-board microphone MAC address emulation Wired LAN Near-field communicatio...