With a growing body of earth-based and spacecraft observational data, and a renewed focus on lunar missions and exploration, the connection between the exospheres and surfaces of planetary bodies is an area of active and growing research, with advances being made on problems such as topographical...
Triton is on graph approximately, because for Triton it is not possible to define the surface Φ -factor value. Because it is not close to margins of Φ =0,47 or Φ =1 , but the value of Φ for Triton is somewhere in between. - Also, the Planet Effective Temperature (Te) had to ...
In this same area, the electrostatic potential map of the binding-positive Scl1.1-V domain presents a central negatively charged pocket or cleft (Fig. 5, black arrowhead), surrounded by a neutral and basic crown surface. Although less pronounced, the same features of electrostatic potential, ...
However, the property we are displaying on that surface is a patch average of NPP ratio over the solvent accessible surface, since the patch size approximates to a typical protein-protein interface area, and hydrophobic interactions are thought to be mediated by extent of non-polar SASA rather ...
For Cu NPs, the kinetic energies and peak-area values for Cu NPs are consistent with a previous report35. The strong peak at 916.8 eV of Cu foil comes from the surface oxide, as revealed by the XPS data (Fig. 1i). In the Cu2O spectrum, the peak intensity at 916.8 eV is...
The cumulative fraction of the surface area of 1- and 100-km-radius objects cratered by projectiles with radii larger than 4 m ranges from a few to a few tens percent over 3.5 Gyr. The flux of Edgeworth–Kuiper Belt projectiles onto Pluto and Charon is also calculated and is found to ...
“You know that (specific) rock, and they're able to measure the temperature of it, and there’s none of this ambiguity.” Chang’E-5 didn't find lagoons, gushing rivers or cascading waterfalls in the previously unexplored area. Think much smaller: traces of water in the soil where ...
(MAP) estimation (Fig.2c, d)20,21. The background subtraction results processed by the pixel were integrated (Fig.2a, Step 3 and Supplementary MovieS3), and bacteria were recognized according to area and shape (Fig.2a, Step 4 and Supplementary MovieS4). As such, we successfully ...
It covers about 70% of the observed area and corresponds to volatile deposits that are sublimating under solar illumination. The second unit is either (a) a single thick layer of pure large-grained methane or (b) a unit with large-grained CH 4 forming a substratum and the N 2 –CH 4...
Nanomaterial based paints are in current demand in the area of surface protective coatings due to the significant advances made to improve their antibacterial and anticorrosion characteristics. In this work, we have developed magnetic graphene oxide (MGO) paint with the incorporation of cobalt ferrite...