SURFACE AND COATINGS TECHNOLOGY An international journal devoted to the science and application of advanced surface treatments for improvement of material properties AUTHOR INFORMATION PACK TABLE OF CONTENTS XXX . . • Description p.1 • Audience p.2 • Impact Factor p.2 • Abstracting and In...
Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 204, Issue 20, 15 July 2010, Pages 3272–3279 Original Research Article PDF (536 K) Photo-initiated grafting of gelatin/N-maleic acyl-chitosan to enhance endothelial cell adhesion, proliferation and function on PLA surface 2009, Acta Biomaterialia more Aiping...
This subsection will provide a dynamic surface controller by integrating the funnel control technology. First of all, let us introduce the following coordinate conversion: e 1 = η 1 , e 2 = x 2 − u 2 c , e 3 = x 3 − u 3 c , e 4 = x 4 . (20) Define the first-...
To better manage the results obtained, the bibliographic reference tool Endnote Web (version 21, Clarivate Analytics) was used. Subsequently, studies eligible for review and analysis were selected. From the results obtained, all duplicate studies were first removed using the Find duplicates tool on ...