Windows Update History Name Device Manager Name Surface – Firmware – 1.51116.238.0 Surface UEFI – Firmware 1.51116.238.0 resolves potential security vulnerabilities, including Microsoft security advisory190013.
The following update is available for all Surface 3 devices running Windows 10 April 2018 Update, version 1803 or greater: Windows Update History Name Device Manager Name Surface – Firmware – 1.51116.238.0 Surface UEFI – Firmware 1.51116.238.0 resolves potential security vulnerabilities, includin...
好消息是,英特尔终于给力了一把,并且微软在这周就放出了面向Surface 3的Windows 10预发布驱动(包括芯片和处理器),有需要的人们可以直接通过Windows Update获取到了。 微软在官方支持论坛答复到:如果你当前正在Surface 3上运行着Windows 10技术预览版,那请直接通过Windows Update检查更新。 [编译自:WinBeta , via]...
Get Microsoft Surface 3 (1657) Windows 8.1 support for the topic: Software Update for the Microsoft Surface 3 (1657). Find more step-by-step device tutorials on
【技术攻略】告诉大家..长安左下角Windows徽标--计算机管理--左侧栏服务与应用程序--中间栏服务--Windows update--点击停止服务。但是重启就会自动开启。这个Windows10 的一个不好的地方,每次我
5、升级后去upadte,里面有2个更新,其中一个是1/22的固件更新,这个很关键,似乎是显卡的更新,不更新对surface 2和3电源键都关不了屏幕。更新后正常。不过windows10的update 的速度真心慢。。。 ejedi MS-DOS 1 ===改进的地方===说这么多不好,怕是好多人都不升级了。不过如果你是surface pro 3,强烈建议升...
採用商務用 Windows Update:這可確保 Surface 裝置一律具有最新的驅動程式、韌體和安全性修補程式。 若要深入瞭解,請參閱設定商務用 Windows Update。 使用DFCI 管理韌體 透過將裝置韌體設定介面 (DFCI) 配置檔內建於 Intune,SurfaceUEFI 管理會將新式管理堆疊向下延伸至 UEFI 硬體層級。 DFCI 支援零觸控布建、消除...
Surface update history Cumulative and current drivers and firmware for the Surface Book 3. This package contains drivers for all of the components in the Surface Book 3, as well as updates to the system firmware that have been released via Windows Update. The driver MSI files include all of ...
Cumulative and current firmware and drivers for the Surface 3 [Wi-Fi]. This firmware and driver package contains drivers for all of the components in the Surface 3 [Wi-Fi], as well as updates to the system firmware that have been released via Windows Update. The driver MSI and ZIP files...
Surface RT..微软居然没有在9月底才发布,实在惊喜.然而更新只有40多mb更新完了重启,登陆界面改进...就是把登陆头像改成圆的了其他都一样,锁屏都没变登陆后右上角弹出通知:"开始菜单回来啦!"