For Surface Pro, Surface Pro 2, Surface Pro 3, and Surface 3 Important:Under normal circumstances, there’s no need for you to change BIOS settings. If you change these settings, you risk the security of your Surface. But if you ever need access to the firmware fea...
For Surface Pro, Surface Pro 2, Surface Pro 3, and Surface 3 Important: Under normal circumstances, there’s no need for you to change BIOS settings. If you change these settings, you risk the security of your Surface. But if you ever need access ...
圖3. 新增密碼以保護 Surface UEFI 設定。在[安全性] 頁面上,您也可以變更 Surface 裝置上安全開機的設定。 安全開機技術能防止未經授權的啟動碼將您的 Surface 裝置開機,這將能針對 Bookit 和 Rootkit 類型的惡意程式碼感染提供保護。 您可以停用安全開機,以允許 Surface 裝置開機其他作業系統或可開機媒體。 您...
Step 0 – 使能Bios中的Virtualization(虚拟化) Hololens Emulator 运行在虚拟机中。所以我们的PC必须支持virtualization。 首先重启电脑,进入Bios设置界面。找到 virtualization settings 选项。在我的Thinkpad中,示例如下: 然后,我们需要使能 IntelVirtualization和 IntelVT-d: 最后,保存Bios设置并退出: Step 1 – 启用 ...
If your Surface tablet is still running Windows 8.x and you are able to boot, you can justdo a Reset from the PC Settings to completely reinstall, which is probably a better option. If you can’t boot, or you wiped the drive for some reason, you’ll need to keep reading. ...
Surface UEFI 管理将设备固件配置接口 (DFCI) 配置文件内置于 Microsoft Intune (现在以公共预览版) 提供,将新式管理堆栈扩展到 UEFI 硬件级别。 DFCI 支持零接触预配,消除 BIOS 密码,提供对安全设置的控制,并为将来的高级安全方案奠定了基础。 DFCI 目前适用于以下商业设备:Surface Pro (第 11 版) 、Surface Pro...
DFCI supports zero-touch provisioning, eliminates BIOS passwords, provides control of security settings and lays the groundwork for advanced security scenarios in the future.DFCI is currently available for the following commercial devices: Surface Pro (11th Edition), Surface Pro 10, Surface Pro 10 ...
Surface UEFI 管理将设备固件配置接口 (DFCI) 配置文件内置于 Microsoft Intune (现在以公共预览版) 提供,将新式管理堆栈扩展到 UEFI 硬件级别。 DFCI 支持零接触预配,消除 BIOS 密码,提供对安全设置的控制,并为将来的高级安全方案奠定了基础。 DFCI 目前适用于以下商业设备:Surface Pro (第 11 版) 、Surface Pro...
DFCI supports zero-touch provisioning, eliminates BIOS passwords, provides control of security settings and lays the groundwork for advanced security scenarios in the future.DFCI is currently available for the following commercial devices: Surface Pro 10, Surface Pro 9, Surface Pro 9 with 5G, ...
Hi everyone,I believe there is a corner case issue relating to bios/win10 updates for the Surface Laptop 3 with the i7 processor which wipes out the registry...