A Cop-Show Spoof? Surely You Must Be JokingPASADENA, Calif. -- In the grandly silly tradition of Airplane! and The Naked Gun comes TV...Elber, ByLynn
You’re doing the lord’s work kicking off an Airplane! quote-a-thon. It’s a good thing too, we were all counting on you. Airplane! jokes honestly give me hope for humanity. That movie is long lasting because it’s a well-made laugh riot. Even the shambling corpses that will ...
Their handlers weren’t joking. You may not have heard of Friedberg and Seltzer. Their lives have been shrouded in J.D. Salinger–like mystery. But somehow, some way, you’ve seen their movies. The writing-directing duo, best known as “two of the six writers ofScary Movie,” are amon...