I bought and installed the upgrade for my older machine and I am getting roasts that I like. Will be buying this again. Was this review helpful? Mary August 24, 2020 These beans are easy to roast evenly and the coffee tastes good every time. Was this review helpful? Lionel July 22,...
TOSTAO' Coffee 由哥伦比亚卡尔达斯中心的咖啡合作社的生产商种植。 Supremo Coffee 是根据豆大小仔细分类过程的结果。 只选择和烘烤最大的豆类,这就是为什么它传统上被认为是出口产品。 TOSTAO SUPREMO 为您的杯子提供均匀、无缺陷、浓郁的味道和香气。 我们的质量实验室配备了最先进的技术,确保为我们的客户提供最高质...