A Murder Mystery 2 value list operated and updated by the top traders in the Murder Mystery 2 community since 2020. Trusted by more than 3.5 million people, we're your source for unbiased MM2 values!
A Murder Mystery 2 value list operated and updated by the top traders in the Murder Mystery 2 community since 2020. Trusted by more than 3.5 million people, we're your source for unbiased MM2 values!
A Murder Mystery 2 value list operated and updated by the top traders in the Murder Mystery 2 community since 2020. Trusted by more than 3.5 million people, we're your source for unbiased MM2 values!
据悉,Supreme HT药物洗脱支架系统由药物涂层支架和快速交换球囊导管输送系统组成。药物涂层支架以L605钴铬合金支架为基体,表面涂覆底部涂层和含药高分子涂层。底部涂层材料为聚甲基丙烯丁酯(PBuMA),该涂层不可降解;药物涂层由雷帕霉素药物...
R?NTGEN MASTER SUPREME 极佳的切削面以及更精确的锯切难锯的材料。 两边经过特殊研磨的先切齿,使带锯条切斜的可能性变小,同时研磨过的后切齿可使切削通畅无阻,并保证其锯切面的干净光滑。 更好的功效 M51 材料的齿尖可以锯切硬度不超过50HRc(1600 N/mm2)的材料,并结合侵略性的16°正前角,能够更好地锯切大...
(N/mm2)210000180000140000 热膨胀系数(20℃起/℃)---12.6×10-6
Conductor: 4 x 2.5 mm2 High purity OFC/Silver plated Resistance: 0.004 Ohm Capacitance: 39.0 Pf Inductance: 0.13 uH Connector: Banana or spade (24K gold plated) Construction: Double Symmetrical – Helix Low-loss PE insulation Additional support elements made of PE Low induction for homogeneous ...
弹性系数(N/mm2) 202500 175000 130000 热膨胀系数(20℃起/℃) --- 12.6×10-6 13.9×10-6 热传导系数(W/m℃) 24.6 26.2 27.6 ⒌ORVAR SUPREME的热处理 ⑴软性退火:将钢材于保护气氛中加热至850℃,均热后,于炉中以每小时10℃之速度,冷却至650℃,再于空气中缓慢冷却。
(N/mm2)210000180000140000 热膨胀系数(20℃起/℃)---
(N/mm2)210000180000140000 热膨胀系数(20℃起/℃)---12.6×10-6