The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to take the case, either after the Colorado GOP's appeal or Trump's own appeal. If Trump ends up off the ballot in Colorado, it would have minimal effect on his campaign because he doesn't need the state, which he lost by 13 percentage p...
Members of the press stake out outside the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., the United States, on March 4, 2024. U.S. Supreme Court on Monday unanimously ruled that former President Donald Trump can remain on the primary ballot in Colorado, rejecting the state's disqualification ...
Former President Donald Trump urged the justices to reverse the Dec. 19 ruling from the Colorado Supreme Court.
US Supreme Court decision on Trump-Colorado ballot case ‘monumental’ for democracy itself, not just 2024 presidential election
The Supreme Court has expressed scepticism of Colorado's decision to disqualify Donald Trump from running for presidency. A landmark case that could decide whether the former president can run in November's election heard arguments from both sides of the case as Trump appeals the dec...
Donald Trump’sballot eligibilityis now at the U.S. Supreme Court's doorstep, but we don’t yet know whether or when the justices will take up the appeal. The Colorado GOP on Wednesdaypetitionedthe nation’s high court to review the Colorado Supreme Court decis...
Murray, the attorney who argued Thursday on behalf of the Republican voters who want Trump off Colorado’s primary ballot, said he was confident in the case, despite the obvious skepticism from the justices. Murray told reporters outside the Supreme Court that he has received “hard questions”...
The US Supreme Court has said it will hear a historic case to determine if Donald Trump can run for president. 美国最高法院表示,将审理一个历史性案件,以确定唐纳德·特朗普是否能竞选总统。 The justices agreed to take up Mr Trump’s appeal against a decision by Colorado to remove him from the...
• Trump “engaged in” the insurrection. • Trump’s speech “inciting the crowd” on January 6 was “not protected by the First Amendment.” Chief Justice Brian Boatright, one of the three dissenters on the seven-member court, wrote that he believes Colorado election law “was not ...
Jason Murray, the attorney representing a group of Colorado voters challenging Donald Trump’s eligibility for the 2024 ballot, speaks in front of the Supreme Court during oral arguments on Thursday. Bill Hennessy Norma Anderson sits in the audience of the Supreme Court during oral arguments on ...