'The Rights of Decree Holders or Judgment Creditors': "The Supreme Court of India has recently been observed that the Decree Holders must enjoy the fruits of the decree obtained by them in an expeditious manner. The Bench has noted the unscrupulous tactics used by Judgment Debtors to evade the...
The publications are specialized, in contrast to the Supreme People’s Court Gazette, and each one contains normative provisions and guidance related to the specific area of law. A quick guide to the content listed: the judicial interpretations are normative, of course, and the “understanding ...
There was not merely criminal failure on the part of the authorities in the non-implementation of a set of Judgements of the Court of Law (in the case relating toaggravated assault, burglaryetc.). The authorities are also liable to compensate the petitioner, who had always remained a ‘non-...
The ‘legal fight’ for the enforcement of Judgments’ took in very many proceedings before the Supreme Court of India and the High Court of Delhi. The Delhi High Court heard the Petitioner’s Writ Petition in 1997 and issued a ‘Mandamus’ to the Union of India, Ministry of External Affai...