The article discusses court cases with the biggest expected business impact in the fall season of 2012. Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum is the second for Kiobel, a lawsuit filed by Nigerians who accuse Nigeria's military of torturing and killing residents allegedly in the service of Anglo-...
[SCT Docket] Both Bufkin and Thornton are veterans who were denied disability benefits by the VA. To continue reading, become a Patently-O member. Already a member? Simply log in to access the full post. Supreme Court Update: June 2024 June 7, 2024doctrine of equivalents, double patenting...
More than a dozen hypotheses have been proposed to explain the startling decline in the Supreme Court's plenary docket, which has puzzled scholars and commentatDavid R. StrasConstitutional Commentary, Inc.Constitutional CommentarySee David R. Stras, The Supreme Court's Declining Plenary Docket: A ...
In recent years, the United States Supreme Court has decided fewer cases than at any other time in its recent history. Scholars and practitioners alike have criticized the drop in the Court's plenary docket. Some even believe that the Court has reneged on its duty to clarify and unify the ...
In 2007, when I built the first scrapers that would evolve into the DocketDB website, I felt like I was building something five years ahead of what you could get on a basic court website. That turned out to be about right. The new Texas appellate website (TAMES) offers a few feature...
The Supreme Court's 'Shadow Docket' Is Looking Increasingly Shady It began as a mechanism to control the time and traffic of cases before the Court, but the Roberts Court has come to use it as a way to rule on thorny constitutional questions without actually he...
Supreme Court, the National Law, and the Selection of Cases for the Plenary Docket, The The Supreme Court of the United States operates as part of the federal judicial system and adjudicates individual cases and controversies, but it also serv... DA Harpman,MP Welsh,EW Sparling - 《U.pitt...
far-reaching issues Supreme Court docket contains far-reaching issuesSupreme Court docket contains far-reaching issuesDAVID G. SAVAGE
If four of the nine Supreme Court justices agree to hear the automaker’s Clean Air Act argument when they meet for a Feb. 19 conference, then the court will grant the petition.
Certiorari, in common-law jurisdictions, a writ issued by a superior court for the reexamination of an action of a lower court. Certiorari also is issued by an appellate court to obtain information on a case pending before it. Learn more about certiorari