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52. This Court before addressing the judgment relied, on its merit, this Court had a l ready observed in para 2, 3 and 4 of the judgment, the modus operandi, of the counsel for the petitioner to place reliance on the irrelevant judgments, which had got no significance or its applicabilit...
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Supreme Court Judgments Subscribe ShareTweet State of Madhya Pradesh & Anr. Vs. Akhilesh Jha & Anr. [Civil Appeal No. 5153 of 2021 arising out of S.L.P. (C) No. 4655 of 2020] Dr. Dhananjaya Y Chandrachud, J 1 Leave granted. ...
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Supreme People's Court Monitor Search Skip to content Home About Me Useful links: Official Websites Useful links: Blogs SPC White Papers, Annual Reports & Occasional Reports, Some with English Translations Supreme People’s Court judicial interpretations 司法解释/JUDICIAL documentS 司法文件 , Model...
Adoption Of Rule Of Law In India And Supreme Court JudgmentsG. ARAVINTHAN
Legal Era - Legal Media Group is a leading integrated media company founded in 2007. We offer all the latest global legal news, supreme & high court news, judgments news, international legal news, and daily & current legal news.
Give full play to the exemplary role of judgments and rulings and promote the resolution of the source of conflicts; Formulating and issuing compliance management suggestions to help enterprises prevent disputes; and Do a good job of risk reminders to ensure the healthy development of enterprises. ...
Supreme Court of India and water disputesThis paper addresses the issue of the Mullaperiyar Dam dispute between Kerala and Tamil Nadu with specific reference to the two judgements delivered by the Supreme Court of India on the matter. This paper attempts to examine the arguments, facts, and the...