Reports on the refusal of the United States Supreme Court on hearing a case challenging the Alternative Mortgage Transactions Parity Act in Washington. Argument of Commissioner Joseph Face Jr. on the pre-emptive power of the Parity Act; Provisions of the Act; Decision of the court to deny the...
The Supreme Court extended the accommodation process to some private businesses in the 2014 case Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, but religious groups have argued that the accommodation is still a burden on their religious exercise, because it makes them "complicit" in the contraceptive coverage. In 2016,...
PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — The U.S. Supreme Court decided on Friday that it will hear a case brought by families from Maine who want to use a state tuition program to send their children to religious schools.
Devoted to covering the US Supreme Court comprehensively, without bias according to the highest journalistic standards as a public service
hearing of cases should be incorporated into a judge’s performance evaluation. From the number of WeChatarticleson local court websites announcing the good news that one or more of their cases had been incorporated into the database, it must be useful for court key performance indicators (...
The Court ruled that even though “fit parents have a fundamental interest in directing the care, custody, and control of their children free from government interference,” that interest is bound by “the Legislature’s authority to regulate the practi...
As I explained at the outset of this decision the court is hearing many petitions to wind-up listed companies whose businesses are in the Mainland. Since the court resumed hearings in May more than half the petitions I have heard have involved listed companies. Remarkably petitions to wind-up...
The Supreme Court will hear arguments Monday on whether bans on public camping constitute "cruel and unusual punishment" barred by the Eighth Amendment.
The Supreme Court hearing so far is a mixed bag for both sides. On the one hand, its seems clear that the court is unwilling to dismiss the case against Donald Trump outright, as he ostensibly is asking the justices to do, based on his sweeping theory of presidential immunity. On the...
The hearing largely did not address Trump’s culpability for the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. There’s no timeframe for when the court will issue a ruling, but the court has moved quickly throughout the case. Here’s where the court’s ideological factions stand: The right flank There...