Sadly, that horse got out of the barn many decades ago, culminating in a horrible 1942 Supreme Court decision that said a man couldn’t grow crops on his own land to feed his own animals for consumption by his own family. But let’s look at the bright side. Even though the Obamacare...
Five years ago, the Supreme Court heard a different challenge involving Colorado's law and a baker, Jack Phillips, who objected to designing a wedding cake for a gay couple. That case ended with a limited decision and set up a return of the issue to the high court. Waggoner, of the Al...
Five years ago, the Supreme Court heard a different challenge involving Colorado's law and a baker, Jack Phillips, who objected to designing a wedding cake for a gay couple. That case ended with a limited decision and set up a return of the issue to the high court. Waggoner, of the Al...
Even so, I cannot begin to fathom the warped logic that abortion can be a excused as a medical decision solely between a woman and a doctor. If human life has any intrinsic value in human society and culture, then the value exists by definition and is NOT dependent on gross ability or ...
Court’s artful dodge 指的是第一段最后这个narrow decision。 为什么是刷了花招呢?因为这个最高判决简直没有什么指导性作用,回避了一个最重要的问题,即: the justices avoided a wider ruling on religious exemptions for businesses. (取自《卫报》一篇文章的报道),justice Kennedy的判决书中用了一个“must awa...