卡西米尔·马列维奇(Kazimir Malevich)高清作品《Suprematistic composition (Feeling of a mystic "wav》 作品名:Suprematistic composition (Feeling of a mystic "wav 原名:组成suprematistische(感觉神秘&;quot;波&;quot;从外太空) 艺术家:卡西米尔·马列维奇 年代:1927;德国 风格:至上主义 类型:抽象 介质:钢笔 ...
Related to suprematist:Kazimir Malevich su·prem·a·tism (so͝o-prĕm′ə-tĭz′əm) n. A school and theory of geometric abstract art that originated in Russia in the early 1900s and influenced constructivism. [Russiansuprematizm, from Frenchsuprématie,supremacy, fromsupremacy.] ...
Suprematist Composition, which Malevich completed the same year he wrote his Suprematist Manifesto, is renowned throughout the world as a premier painting from one of the most sophisticated and innovative artistic movements of the twentieth century.This picture has been featured in the collection of t...