The serpentinised mantle peridotites represent the mantle section, while the ultramafic-mafic cumulates with layered gabbros, isotropic gabbros, troctolites, plagiogranites, sheeted basaltic dikes, basic volcanics and pelagic sediments comprise the crustal section of oceanic lithosphere that archives ...
The length and end-association strength of the present polymers were designed using statistical mechanical considerations. In comparison with ultra-long polymers for mist control, the present polymers are an order of magnitude shorter; therefore, they are able to resist shear degradation. In contrast ...
The support values are ultra-fast bootstrap approximation percentages (1,000 replicates) inferred using maximum likelihood under the LG + C60 + F + Γ-derived PSMF model using a guide tree pruned of hemimastigotes (PMSF-nHEMI, see Methods); these values are not directly comparable to those...
The ultramafics, containing preserved igneous textures, are considered to have intruded early into a developing volcanic pile. -- The thesis area has undergone a complex history of structural and igneous development. The earliest recognized widespread event (D₁) produced a strong tectonic fabric ...
Ultra-high-net-worth/Family offices/Private investment groups: Koç Group:Increase in shareholding of Yapi Kredi (December 2019) Jaime Gilinski Bacal:Acquisition of 4.28% of Metro Bank (November 2019) Leonardo Del Vecchio:Increase of shareholding of Mediobanca to 9.889% (November 2019) ...
Preserved elements include the Negri basin (Domain 5 only), mafic-ultramafic sub-volcanic layered intrusions, and granitic plutons and related high-level sills. Two periods of granitoid intrusion are preserved. Base-metal sulphide deposits, hosted by the Whim Creek basin, were probably sourced ...
Such knocked-on electrons are immediately accelerated to ultrarelativistic velocities, since in the runaway region the toroidal electric field force overcomes the collisional friction force with thermal plasma particles. The avalanche of runaway electrons with mega-electron-volt energy emerges, hit of ...