在命令aggregate ipv4-address { mask | mask-length } [as-set I attribute-policy route-policy-name1 ldetail- suppressed I origin-policy route-policy-name2 |suppress-policy route-policy-name3]中,多个参数可以用来影响汇总路由及其结果。关于该命令描述正确的是?A.如果配置了As-set,汇总路由的AS_PATH...
在命令aggregate ipv4-address{mask|mask-length}[as-set|attribute-policyroute-policy-name1|detail-suppressed|origin-policyroute-policy-name2|suppress-policyroute-policy-name3]中,多个参数可以用来影响汇总路由及其结果。关于该命令描述正确的是?()A.如果配置了Suppresspolicy也会产生聚合路由,Route-policy的if-...
B、 suppress-policy 能产生聚合路由,但抑制符合 route-policy 的明细路由向其他邻居通告。可以用 route -policy 的 if-match 子句有选择地抑制一些具体路由,即匹配该策略的路由将被抑制,但其它未通过策略的具体路由不被抑制仍被通告 C、 origin policy 选择所有的明细路由来生成聚合路由 D、 attribute-policy 用于...
B、 suppress-policy能产生聚合路由,但抑制符合route-policy的明细路由向其他邻居通告。可以用route-policy的if-match子句有选择地抑制一些具体路由,即匹配该策略的路由将被抑制,但其它未通过策略的具体路由不被抑制仍被通告 C、 originpolicy选择所有的明细路由来生成聚合路由 D、 attribute-policy用于设置明细路由的属性...
in the past few years, north唯一一线城市实际上是被policy suppress的,22年sh封城时有人问sh会不会被break down,结果实际上是north唯一一线城市一直在默默地被break down 发布于 2025-01-29 13:17・IP 属地河北 赞同1 分享收藏
在命令 aggregate ipv4-address { mask | mask-length } [as-set I attribute-policy route-policy-name1 Idetail- suppressed I origin-policy route-policy-name2 |suppress- policy route-policy-name3]中,多个参数可以用来影响汇总路由及其结果。关于该命令描述正确的是?A.如果配置了 As-set,汇总路由的 AS...
In 2016,the CPI and PPI are respectively fixed at 2%and-1.4%,out of the concerned stagflation at the beginning of year2016.It's widely expected that PPI in 2017 will continue to rise,but the high tide will not last for a long time;meanwhile,CPI will maintain a moderate rally,and the ...
aIt should be noted, however, that government regulations did not suppress interest rates very much. In other words, financial repression was mild. Contrary to the view popular in Japan that the government put the policy of “artificially low interest rates” in place to promote growth during th...
Tight Monetary Policy Will Suppress Growth.The article reports on the possibility that the economic growth of India will be offset by a tight monetary policy, supply-side constrictions, and a slowdown in global demand. The main concern is that the associated inflationary pressures will prevent ...
Microsoft Edge Group Policy Suppress "Choose a look for new tabs" at First Run Hello! We're doing some initial testing with the new Microsoft Edge and we're looking at what Group Policies are available to configure the experience. We'd really like to have a...