The student defines the word, uses the word in a sentence, identifies which part of speech it is, draws a picture that exemplifies the word, determines how many syllables it has, finds rhyming words, supplies synonyms and antonyms, etc. Pick a plant-related word for a fun spelling activity...
Specifying a PRIMARY KEY normally just creates a UNIQUE index on the corresponding column or columns. However, if the PRIMARY KEY constraint is on a single column that has the data type INTEGER (or one of its synonyms such as int) then that column is used by the database as the actual ...
This error occurs because the model designer uses that value to represent nulls. The values in the following list are synonyms to the previous mentioned null value: Value 9223372036854775807 -9223372036854775808 1.7976931348623158e+308 -1.7976931348623158e+308 ...
The student defines the word, uses the word in a sentence, identifies which part of speech it is, draws a picture that exemplifies the word, determines how many syllables it has, finds rhyming words, supplies synonyms and antonyms, etc. Pick a shapes-related word for a fun spelling ...