IEventProperty interface (COM+) IConfigAsfWriter2 interface (Windows) INLINE_NOTIFY_DATA_CHANGE_ENTRY structure (Windows) InterlockedOr16Acquire function (Windows) IStorage::RemoteOpenStream method (Windows) IInputPersonalizationDataSite interface (Windows) ULongLongToPtrdiffT function (Windows) Decision Top...
The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Author Contributions S.H., L.K., C.W., M.C.R. designed the project. S.H., R.J.A., L.K., L.H., A.D., C.P.V., D.M.E.B., C.W., M.C....
Keywords: supported decision-making; socio-economic rights; progressive realisation; program priorities 1. Introduction Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006)1 ('CRPD') is widely, but certainly not universally, understood in line with the views of the ...
Regardless of your "marketing decision", I shall be using my PC how I CHOOSE to use it, and I will make this work accordingly. rspeak, I'll let you know shortly on your question as I've just installed Server 2008 R2. Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply RLobk...
I can however take great comfort in knowing that "There are no plans for making drivers available for these operating systems" - I'm one happy little customer.. 0 Kudos Copy link Reply Silvia_L_Intel1 Employee 05-13-2014 12:05 PM 3,696 Views This is a marketing ...
Regardless of your "marketing decision", I shall be using my PC how I CHOOSE to use it, and I will make this work accordingly. rspeak, I'll let you know shortly on your question as I've just installed Server 2008 R2. Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply RLobk Beginner ...
Regardless of your "marketing decision", I shall be using my PC how I CHOOSE to use it, and I will make this work accordingly. rspeak, I'll let you know shortly on your question as I've just installed Server 2008 R2. Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply RLobk Beginner ...