1. Single entity: Business License (business scope must include accommodation, hotel industry, guest rooms, etc., related to accommodation) or Special Industry Permit 2, booking platform: need to provide at least 2 and more Cooperation Agreement with Accommodation Service Provider and Special Industry...
Hostel funding A guide on funding sources and revenue budgets for small hostel and supported accommodation projects incorporating a survey of ten recent Scottish projectsA.D.K Logan
Provides guidance on the required fire safety standards for existing premises and additionally, for new build premises or new extensions. It is intended for use in both staffed and unstaffed accommodation.Document History Also part of the NHS Firecode series. Previous edition cited in Building ...
Regarding perceived meaning of activity in one’s accommodation, as assessed by PMA-H, the SH group rated both access to social interaction and possibilities for personal development higher than the OHS group. Access to activity and to organization and information were rated similarly in both groups...
d Local services for accommodation and nourishment. Data in brackets indicates the number of features or total length (km) Full size image Nowadays, 28 restaurants and bars are in the south, whereas 34 hotels, hostels, apartments and camping sites, totalling ca. 700 beds, are distributed ...
Linear carriage guide of machine tool i.e. lathe, for hydrostatically supported longitudinally movable accommodation of e.g. column, has tension element provided eccentric to column and compressing column in its longitudinal directionThe guide has a tension element (12) provided eccentric to a ...