Infrastructure: Buildings, Support Systems, and Industrial FacilitiesA. InstanesO. AnisimovL. BrighamD. GoeringB. LadanyiJ. LarsenL. N. KhrustalevG. Weller
Infrastructure systems support human activities in transportation, communication, water use, and energy supply. The dissertation research focuses on critic... Y Huang - Dissertations & Theses - Gradworks 被引量: 6发表: 2010年 Changing Medical School IT to Support Medical Education Transformation. Many...
Extend the life of your infrastructure Ensure smooth transitions while extending the life of your systems and software. Support simplification Reduce the number of vendors in your data center. Leverage IT services to let IBM manage your day-to-day data center needs. ...
Methods and techniques for automated trust infrastructure support systems, secure e-trade, e-commerce, trade and process control, rights management and distributed computationsPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a modular array for integrating ... シェアー,ビクター エイチ.,バン ウィー,デイビッド...
Infrastructure may support economic activities as well as social and cultural activities and 基础设施可以被定义作为国家或组织用途为了有效地工作的基制。 这包括物理基础设施,例如运输系统,并且服务和机关。 基础设施也许支持经济活动并且社会和文化活动和作用生态系。 它它本身通常没有价值: 它的价值在按它支持...
摘要: As the field of agent-based computing has continued to develop, there have been several contributions to its theoretical underpinnings, and several others to supporting the efforts of practical system关键词: concurrent systems state space exploration partial-order persistent sets covering steps ...
In the last few years the event-based paradigm has been largely studied and considered as a promising approach to develop the communication infrastructure ... ED Nitto,M Pianciamore - International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems 被引量: 268发表: 2002年 E-Business and E-Commerce Infr...
Impacts of a changing climate on Infrastructure: Buildings, Support Systems, and Industrial Facilities The Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA, 2005) is an international effort that has evaluated Arctic climate change and its impact on the region and the ... A Instanes - Eic Climate Change Te...
Building services are infrastructure that improve the welfare or safety of the personnel. According to these definitions, an inventory could be made as inTable 21.1. Table 21.1.Service systems in the food industry Process systems – Process water (hot, cold, chilled, purified or softened) ...
A Business Support System refers to a set of requirements and systems that enable non-technical and management staff to effectively interact with the technical aspects of a network. It encompasses various functions such as applying provisioning information, managing billing, recording network assets, and...