Our sponsors play a vital role in Cell Phones For Soldiers, offering generous support to meet the critical needs of America’s bravest. Through donating cell phones, providing monetary contributions, and offering invaluable services, they make a profound difference in the lives of those who serve....
The mission of MarineParents.com is two-fold: to support our Marines and their family members, and to provide opportunities for the public to support the troops.
Support our troops We are a nonprofit organization that leads in helping our servicemembers and veterans both at home and abroad. Our group works tirelessly to ensure that the efforts of our military does not go unnoticed or unappreciated. We need our military and they need us, so come out...
Support our troops We are a nonprofit organization that leads in helping our servicemembers and veterans both at home and abroad. Our group works tirelessly to ensure that the efforts of our military does not go unnoticed or unappreciated. We need our military and they need us, so come out...
Support Our Troops by Helping the Families They Leave Behind Marine Moms Marines Dads Marine Parents Submarine Wives Club Operation Special DeliveryHelp women giving birth while partners on military deployment. Support families whose loved ones are being treated at military and VA hospitals. VisitFisher...
Thank you for helping us meet our objective for the fourth Operation Gift campaign. We raised over $67,000 In donations towards gifting an extraordinary experience Here's where OpticsPlanet customers choose to place their donation Ranger Road Motors ...
yet, with Thanksgiving and other holidays upon us and the biggest shopping day of the year coming up on Friday, now is a good time to check within, to determine whether you've actually tied any significant deeds to those words that roll off the tongue so easily, "I support our troops....
In March, RackVet partnered with organizations such as the Gary Sinise Foundation and Semper Fi & America’s Fund and Home for Our Troops to make donations. The group also conducted a survey to identify other charities they could contribute to. In May, the group also participated in a Flags...
With the BMO Support Our Troops Mastercard, a portion of each transaction made goes to the official charitable cause of the Canadian Armed Forces,Support Our Troops. BMO Support our Troops Mastercard recently hit $1 million in donations.
a. The act of supporting: Our candidate needs your support. b. The state of being supported: The candidate's support has been overwhelming. 2. One that supports: How many supports does the bridge have? 3. The provision of money or the necessities of life: child support. 4. Help or ad...