适用于:合作伙伴中心 | Microsoft Cloud for US Government 合作伙伴中心相应的角色:支持人员代理如果你遇到 Microsoft 服务问题或合作伙伴中心本身的问题,我们将在这里提供帮助。 可以将问题报告给Microsoft并跟踪问题,直到解决问题为止。如果遇到帐户访问问题如果在访问帐户时遇到问题或被锁定在帐户外,请参阅 帐户访问...
Microsoft合作夥伴支援指引雲端解決方案提供者 (CSP) 模型中交易的合作夥伴是客戶信任的顧問,並擁有端對端的關係,包括客戶有問題或問題時的支援。 透過支持接觸點,合作夥伴可以深入了解客戶及其業務,以識別推動價值的新服務和解決方案。若要滿足支援需求,合作夥伴可以:...
Microsoft可能会直接与客户就服务事件或其他操作信息进行通信。对于已有与Microsoft的商业关系的客户,Microsoft继续直接与他们沟通其非 CSP 产品和服务。满足支持要求CSP 客户无法自行创建支持请求。 他们必须联系你以获取支持。当客户联系你以获取支持时,需要:接收来自客户的传入支持请求。 根据自己的能力诊断问题。 解决...
Microsoft可能會直接與客戶溝通服務事件或其他操作資訊。對於已經與Microsoft有商業關係的客戶,Microsoft會繼續直接與他們溝通其非 CSP 產品和服務。滿足支援需求CSP 客戶無法自行建立支援要求。 他們必須連絡您以取得支援。當客戶連絡您以取得支援時,您必須:接收來自客戶的傳入支援要求。 將問題診斷為最佳能力。 解決基準...
You can request a reseller relationship and become a Microsoft Cloud Solutions Provider (CSP) for new customers. You can send an invitation to potential customers from the CSP Partner Center. Note:Looking for other Partner help content? Check outHelp for partners. ...
You can request a reseller relationship and become a Microsoft Cloud Solutions Provider (CSP) for new customers. You can send an invitation to potential customers from the CSP Partner Center. Note:Looking for other Partner help content? Check outHelp for partners. ...
When you sign in to Microsoft 365, clickPartnerto go to thePartner admin center. You’ll see different links on the Client management orPartner overviewpage, depending on the types of services you’re authorized to provide. Verify your company information...
When you sign in to Microsoft 365, clickPartnerto go to thePartner admin center. You’ll see different links on the Client management orPartner overviewpage, depending on the types of services you’re authorized to provide. Verify your company information ...
Microsoft Partner partner support Reply JillArmourMicrosoft Community Manager May 15, 2024 partner8123 unfortunately there is no call center for MSFT support. You have to use the system to get help. What are you having issues with? I am not support and won't be able to help you, but...
Genuine versions of Windows are published by Microsoft, properly licensed, and supported by Microsoft or a trusted partner. You'll need a genuine version of Windows to access the optional updates and downloads that help you get the most from your PC. ...