Wiener, L. S. (1998). Telephone support groups for HIV-positive mothers whose children have died from AIDS. Social Work, 43, 279-285.Wiener, L. S. (1998). Telephone support groups for HIV-positive mothers whose chil- dren have died of AIDS. Social Work, 43(3), 279-285....
The prison population is at high risk for HIV infection, particularly through the sharing of contaminated needles and high-risk sexual activity. Counselling is regarded as a key element in the prevention and treatment of HIV infection. Support groups provide essential supportive counselling for HIV-...
Piloting of community based family support groups for HIV positive women and their families in post conflict Northern UgandaKagwire, FredKansiime Dr., EdgarOdipo, MartinSsemafumu, EdwardOtira, GeofreyMakumbi, Med
Everyday Activities of Support Groups for HIV-Positive People in Northern Thailand:Observations Based on the Production of a Documentary Film (Weaving the ... The objective of this paper is to examine the evolving activities of support groups for HIV-positive people in Northern Thailand. The ...
People living with HIV infection who attend and do not attend support groups: A pilot study of needs, characteristics and experiences People living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) confront a myriad of stressors over the course of their infection. Social support groups offer a mean... SC...
And many groups can help connect you to medical, financial, and emotional support. Privacy By law, you may have to notify some people that you’re HIV-positive. But you don't have to tell everyone. Thirteen states require you to share your HIV status with your sexual partner. Laws in ...
Women living with HIV often feel isolated. One significant avenue for HIV-positive women to receive the support, information, and affiliation they need is through gender-specific HIV support groups, but research is lacking about how support groups for HIV-positive women can be helpful. This ...
HIV Support and Services How to Locate HIV/AIDS Services Near You Whether you're looking for information or assistance, and whether your needs are HIV testing, health care, medication access, mental health, housing or connecting with others, there's an organization out there that can help. All...
In the realm of HIV care, support groups play a pivotal role by bringing together individuals living with HIV to share experiences and receive guidance from healthcare professionals. These groups are renowned for their substantial benefits, including improving emotional well-being, enhancing treatment ...
Support groups on outreach site act as a preventive tool to create awareness on HIV/AIDS among MSM in Mumbai, IndiaSingh, SanjaySilmula, ShankarKumar, GirishKambli, Harish