SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health) is Scotland’s national mental health charity. The organization offers psychosocial support for 60 communities. Of the collected money, 1000 pounds went to SAMH. The remaining 1000 pounds was donated to “Telford Mind”, an organization near the ...
People experiencing mental health problems, who come to the attention of the Police Scotland or Transport Police within Forth Valley, are now getting quicker access to direct care and treatment, which, in many cases, avoids the need for them to be taken to the Emergency Department in Forth Val...
our work, our well-being, and quality of life. We’re grateful to Busch UK for their recognition of the urgent need for us all to do more about mental health. These vital funds will have a real impact in communities across Scotland. ...
This booklet is for people who experience mental-health problems and who are interested in getting access to self-directed support in Scotland. Self-directed support is designed to help people to manage their own social-care support and choose the services ...
Teachers face increasing stress levels but have ‘little opportunity’ to receive care or support for their mental health
Heal Scotland is a not-for-profit organisation that provides educational resources & events to help the people of Scotland take control of their health & well-being to live the best possible quality of life. Why are we on this mission? Because so many people are suffering. Health has turned...
Heal Scotland is a not-for-profit organisation that provides educational resources & events to help the people of Scotland take control of their health & well-being to live the best possible quality of life. Why are we on this mission?
Study: If you’re studying for a degree apprenticeship, or a graduate apprenticeship in Scotland, universities have lots of networks and societies you can join. These are often based around interests and hobbies, but some universities have specific clubs and networks just for carers. You can find...
HumanKind Drug and alcohol focused recovery services for young people. Visit website The Prince’s Trust Courses, grants, and mentoring opportunities to help young people start a career. Visit website Additional Support Citizens Advice ENGLAND | NORTHERN IRELAND | WALES | SCOTLAND ...
Healthcare Software Community Support Care Management Software Supporting Scotland About us Contact Us Our heritage The Access Group is a leading provider of software for health, support, and care organisations across the UK. Our 750 people-strong team offers tailored solutions to a wide va...