Why is the firm's demand curve flatter than the total market demand curve in monopolistic competition? 1. Why are perfectly competitive firms called price takers? 2. Draw an equilibrium using S&D for an entire perfectly competitive industry. How...
The marginal cost schedule of a company in a perfectly competitive market determines its supply function. B正确。在完全竞争市场中,公司必须接受市场决定的任何价格。完全竞争市场中企业的边际成本决定了企业的供给函数。 除了perfect competition 其他都没有可以确定地supply curve吗添加评论 0 0 1 个答案 笛...
当MC=MR时,profit maximum ; loss minimum 在完全竞争情况下,demand curve是三线合一MR=AR=P 在不完全竞争(monopolistic competition/oligopoly/monopoly) MR和demand curve不重合,在纵截距上一样,横截距一半(一阶求导) 当MR=0时,total revenue 最大 Marginal cost(MR) 在讨论成本时,需要分长短期 short run:cap...
1.Keywords2.Howarepricesdetermined?3.Demandschedulesandcurves4.Supplyschedulesandcurves5.Changesindemand6.Changesinsupply7.Questions •freeenterprise•pricemechanism•makeaprofit•effectivedemand•lawofdemand•lawofsupply•demandschedule•demandcurve•verticalaxis•horizontalaxis•supplyschedule•...
Inthischapter,weassumemarketisPerfectCompetition.Monopoly,Oligopoly,MonopolisticCompetition Lesson1Demand 1.definition2.DemandSchedule3.DemandCurve4.LawofDemand5.ChangeinQuantityDemandedversusChangeinDemand6.MarketDemand 1.definition Quantitydemandedistheamountofagoodthatbuyersare willingandabletopurchase.2.Demand...
Business Economics Monopolistic competition In a monopoly, the seller has all the market power. What does that imply about the demand and...Question: In a monopoly, the seller has all the market power. What does that imply about the ...
4. Elasticity2h 16m Percentage Change and Price Elasticity of Demand 10m Elasticity and the Midpoint Method 20m Price Elasticity of Demand on a Graph 11m Determinants of Price Elasticity of Demand 6m Total Revenue Test 13m Total Revenue Along a Linear Demand Curve ...
curve. One possibility would be to ask them to draw a graph of the PC curve, then show what happens to it in the face of an adverse supply shock or an increase in the natural rate of unemployment, giving intuition for each. The intuition for why an increase in the natural rate shifts...
can affect the amount of quantity demanded and quantity supplied, as well as see how markets tend to move towards equilibrium. So I use this word equilibrium and it really just means balance. We're going to try and balance the market. So what does it mean for the market to be in ...