Supply chain resilience is a hot topic around the world today. Recent events in the past couple of years have rekindled people’s interest in creating shock-proof supply chains. Investing in resilience and strengthening of supply chains has several advantages. Here’s a look at some of them: ...
提升供应链弹性(supply chain resilience)的六项关键策略 在全球商业格局中,供应链已经从一个后台运营的支持性角色,逐渐演变为影响企业战略决策的核心部分。无论是应对全球市场的瞬息万变,还是防范复杂的供应链中断,供应链的规划和管理已成为企业维持竞争优势的关键所在。 今天的企业不仅要关注供应链的效率,还必须具备应...
“供应链韧性”(Supply Chain Resilience)这一概念于2003年首次提出,在2004年被定义为“供应链受到干扰后能够恢复到原状态或者更加理想状态的能力”。通俗一点来讲,供应链的韧性就是当企业面临巨大冲击时,其供应链仍旧能够:转的动,产的出,送得到,帮助企业扛过危机!面对大环境的突发状况,若是在供应链上被卡住喉咙,...
Ensure total visibility and control over your audit, compliance and supply chain activities through powerful, data-driven insights with BSI Connect. Find out more Capabilities Health & Safety Utilizing standards and best practices to help your organization enhance trust, resilience and sustainability by ...
供应链弹性(Supply Chain Resilience)指的是供应链在面对各种突发事件和不确定性挑战时,能够迅速响应、恢复和适应的能力。它涵盖了供应链的韧性和灵活性两个方面。 韧性:指供应链抵御和承受突发事件的能力。韧性强的供应链能够在发生灾难、政治风险或市场波动时,维持一定的功能水平,避免系统崩溃。例如,在疫情期间,拥有...
Addressing the opening ceremony of the first China International Supply Chain Expo in Beijing, Li said that maintaining the resilience and stability of global industrial and supply chains is a vital guarantee for promoting the development of the world economy. ...
This article introduces the relationship between complexities and proactive management practices in supply chain resilience, particularly due to global sourcing (GS) strategies. The main objectives of this paper are as follows: (i) explain the various aspects of GS rather than reporting the trends and...
The present study aims to develop a theoretical model for drivers of Supply Chain Resilience using the Interpretive Structural Modelling technique followed by model validation using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The relationships between the drivers were defined through rigorous discussions with ...
摘要: Supply chain resilience is a multi-facet property that comprises a number of components in both internal supply chain processes and in interaction with the environment (Pettit et al. 2010; Fahimnia et al. 2015; Gupta et al. 2016) (Fig. 3.1)....