frankly, overused — buzzwords of the last few years. That said, there’s no escaping it. Supply chain optimization remains an important aspect of modernsupply chain managementand has lasting positive effects
Using the five whys methodology, GlaxoSmithKline’s senior supply chain integrity analyst investigated the problem to figure out the root cause of these deviations. It turned out that: the Cairo ground handling team didn’t have clear instructions the cargo didn’t have corresponding labels the thir...
As part of supply chain optimizations, Ford of Europe currently focuses primarily on Micro-level investigations and mainly operates on stability of lean manufacturing systems.The value chain optimization on the Micro-level is based on a clearly defined and standardized methodology. Based on a detailed...
A supply-chain decision tool is outlined that will assess the life-cycle greenhouse gases and energy demand of solar energy technology using a hybrid LCA structure. Energy and greenhouse gas metrics appropriate for the climate change mitigation goals of solar energy are discussed. Applying this meth...
management的研究会很吃力。operation management研究基本是基于两大块内容之上,一是optimization/mathematical...
This paper aims to develop a mathematical programming-based methodology for the evaluation of different supply chain collaborative planning scenarios (MPM-SC-CP). It is assumed that different SC decision centres (DCs) make decisions based on mixed and integer linear programming models. Two main ...
An emerging alternative for achieving these attributes is the sustainable closed-loop supply chain (SCLSC). This paper offers a critical review of the literature on SCLSCs, their formulation as mathematical problems and the associated optimization models. No literature reviews were found with the ...
The methodology known as ESSA — for eliminate, simplify, standardize and automate — can help supply chains overcome an abundance of unusable technology as they pursue digital transformation.
would previously have been traded within China’s domestic market. Second, the shift from a ‘just-in-time’ to ‘just-in-case’ mode of supply chain optimization among multinational businesses has prompted investment in spare capacity in 下载文档 收藏 分享赏 0...
“Strategic Cost Management: The Value Chain Perspective,” Journal ofCostManagement, (5:4), 1992, 5–21. Google Scholar Skoromokhov, R. “Some Optimization Tools to Improve Manufacturing and Supply Chain Performance.” In S.Seuring and M.Goldbach (Eds.), Cost Management in Supply Chains,...