Ensuring Compliance with Sustainability Standards in Supply Chains ( Bachelor Thesis )Forster, Matthias
A Master’s in operations and supply chain management isn’t flashy or ostentatious. Yet it’s one of the more important fields of the global age. The world’s economies are linked. They send supplies, manufactured goods, resources, and other products around the world 24 hours a day....
Zara: An analysis of market-orientated supply chain management in the retail fashion industry - Business economics - Bachelor Thesis 2009 - ebook 14.99 € - GRIN
Yamaguchi, T. and Yoshida, H., 2011. Fast retailing: an analysis of FDI and supply chain management in fashion retailing. Bachelor thesis, Henley University of Reading. Zhelyazkov, G., 2011. Agile Supply Chain: Zara's case study analysis. Design, Manufacture & Engineering Management, Strathcl...
Fashion-Specific Supply Chain Challenges and Fast Fashion as a Suitable Solution - Business economics - Bachelor Thesis 2012 - ebook 0.- € - GRIN
What was your career like before you joined SupplyOn and how did you become interested in the supply chain industry?I completed my Bachelor's degree in Business Administration at LMU Munich with a minor in Computer Science and my Master's degree in Management and Technology at TU Munich. ...
Omni-Channel Retailing and Its Requirements in the Supply Chain - Business economics - Bachelor Thesis 2014 - ebook 34.99 € - GRIN
Supply Chain Transparency in the Apparel and Food Industry - Business economics - Bachelor Thesis 2014 - ebook 14.99 € - GRIN
Fashion-Specific Supply Chain Challenges and Fast Fashion as a Suitable Solution - Juri Reich - Bachelor Thesis - Business economics - Business Management, Corporate Governance - Business economics - Business Management, Corporate Governance - Publish your thesis, dissertation, term paper or essayJu...
He received his Master of Science in Industrial Engineering from the University of Texas at Arlington in December 2000 and Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Mumbai (Bombay) in 1996. Amit Potdar has been working in the area of supply chain, reverses logistics ...