4.物流服务Logistics Services = 将货物从制造商仓库运送到收货人仓库的过程,包括安排航运公司使用船舶提供的运输服务过程。 5.供应链Supply Chain = 包括产品周期所有方面的整个过程,从原材料采购、生产、包装到分销,会使用到上述所有行业、业务和服务,直至将货物运送到商店的货架上。 6.贸易Trade =一种涉及买卖商品...
就我所在的专业而言,在刚进校时叫做logistics management,现今更名为logistics & supply chain management,而远在这两者之前,这个专业被称之为运输仓储管理云云。随着进出口贸易的加剧,与之相关的运输工作开始突显其重要性,于是前两年的热由此而来,但实际上这也只是庞大网络中的一部分,至于现在所谓的冷静看待也是同样的...
物流管理与供应链管理的区别(The difference between logistics management and supply chain management) 物流管理与供应链管理的区别(The difference between logistics management and supply chain management) Supply chain logistics, information flow and capital flow flow unified, then, logistics management naturally...
物流管理与供应链管理的区别(Thedifferencebetweenlogistics managementandsupplychainmanagement) Supplychainlogistics,informationflowandcapitalflowflow unified,then,logisticsmanagementnaturallybecomean importantpartofsupplychainmanagementsystem,isalsothe originofsupplychainmanagement. Thedifferencebetweenthetwo Ingeneral,thelo...
When it comes to supply chain management and logistics, the industry jargon is confusing – not only for consumers but also for workers, elbow-deep in work every day. Even industry practitioners can’t seem to agree on universal definitions of logistics and supply chain management, but one thin...
供应链物流管理(Supply Chain/Logistics):SCM就是对企业供应链的管理,是对供应、需求、原材料采购、市场、生产、库存、定单、分销发货等的管理,包括了从生产到发货、从供应商的供应商到顾客的每一个环节。 供应链物流管理指的是用供应链管理思想实施对供应链物流活动的组织、计划、协调与控制。作为一种共生型物流管...
Understanding the difference between the supply chain and the value chain is crucial for businesses to optimize operations, reduce costs, and deliver superior value to customers. By delving into the key components and functions of each concept, we can gain a comprehensive understanding of thei...
The main stakeholders in value chains are shareholders and investors, while supply chain partners are crucial stakeholders in the supply chain. While many people believe logistics—or the transportation of goods—to be synonymous with the supply chain, it is only one part of the equation. The ...